Working for environments, products and services for all users. CONSULTANCY TRAINING PROJECTS

Dossieracceplan 06 2015 en

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ACCEPLAN: Company presentation (English version).

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Working for environments, products and services for all users.


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We promote projects on a human scale.15 years of experience behind us.

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ACCEPLAN is a private company dedicated to consulta on, research and training to improve accessibility and usability in the urban environment, building and transport. It was created by a mul disciplinary team based at the Autonomous University of Barcelona with more than 15 years of experience.

In today’s ci es, phenomena such as disability and an aging popula on are becoming increasingly important and are having a greater eff ect on both the private and public sector due to their social and economic implica ons. One such eff ect is the increasing number of regula ons brought in to meet the needs of these people in the construc on and renova on of buildings and public spaces.

New consumer markets, urban and social paradigms also require new proposals for built spaces, transport systems, communica on and informa on technologies. But companies and public ins tu ons do not have the knowledge and skills required to off er products and services adapted to these users. Consequently they miss out on interes ng business and public service opportuni es.

In response to these shortcomings and a er years of work in Spain, other European countries and La n America, ACCEPLAN ACCESSIBILITY S.L. was created in 2013. ACCEPLAN analyses requirements, off ers consulta on, designs and implements solu ons to harmonize the technical specifi ca ons with the requirements of diff erent users or clients, par cularly those with func onal limita ons. This is all done from a perspec ve where the universal design, quality of use, effi ciency and cost-eff ec veness are combined to obtain the best results.

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• Favouring mobility in rela on to the quan ty and diversity of building users and studying the mes required for evacua on of the facili es.

• Avoiding accidents and run overs through a good urban design, use of discrete protec ve elements and/or signalling, and encouraging a more adequate choice of materials, fi nishes, etc.

• Designing a rac ve and user-friendly urban spaces that encourage fl exibility of use and prevent street abandonment and delinquency.


• Facilita ng compliance with the legisla on on urban and building design and the interna onal technical standards.

• Applying Universal Design solu ons that take all types of users into considera on without incurring expensive and dispropor onate solu ons.

• Reducing fi nal costs by avoiding redoing or modifying parts of the project during its fi nal stages.

• Developing solu ons to avoid the need for addi onal services or systems that result in higher mobility costs, a greater number of hours devoted to support or a en on and reducing incidents, etc.


• Avoiding low quality solu ons that may result from the applica on of regula ons and requirements without knowledge of the specifi c needs of users.

• Inves ga ng use in prac ce to avoid confl icts when trying to meet the needs and expecta ons of diff erent user groups.

• Determining the main func onal and emo onal keys that determine the success of the project.

• Giving users a voice by means of par cipatory processes

1. Developing environments, products and services on a human scale.

What does ACCEPLAN off er?

Op mizing quality and diversity of use, seeking solu ons for diff erent user groups (children, elderly, disabled, parents with babies ...), and mee ng the needs of:

We help you apply na onal and interna onal standards to your projects, improve your posi on in rela on to the compe on, train your technicians, op mize your proposals in na onal and interna onal compe ons and enhance your public and social image. Our work focuses on:

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2. Improving project quality.

User diversity, accessibility and usability have been considered to be issues of limited importance. Solu ons to any of these problems have o en been le to government funded organiza ons for the defence of the rights of specifi c groups, such as people with disabili es.

But the new urban and demographic challenges require a more holis c, integrated and professional approach that may result in an increase of technical quality. This should be made compa ble with the ac ve par cipa on of the users in the decision making process in order to prevent any unforeseen situa ons or unwanted results. Cost savings and increased benefi ts to users and clients are a direct result of this integral perspec ve.

Project development consultancy

Assessments and reports

Design of projects and technical solu ons

Development of standards, plans and technical manuals

Evalua ons and audits

Training ac vi es and conferences

Par cipatory processes

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What areas does ACCEPLAN cover?

Housing can be an opportunity for ac vity, par cipa on and the delivery of care services, genera ng new business opportuni es for professionals, ins tu ons and companies.

We promote older people to remain in their own home and neighbourhood with greater autonomy, comfort and safety through the func onal adapta on of housing and the improvement of urban space (aging in place).

We collaborate in the development of new technologies for the care of dependent people with specialized teams, such as the CARE RESPITE project which counts on the par cipa on of three universi es.

Good signage, a clear, easy to read or redundant communica on system is useful to anyone, including those who do not speak the local language. The development of solu ons in urban design and mobility must take into account how essen al informa on is delivered to specifi c ci zen groups, such as the elderly or those with sensory or intellectual disabili es.

Our studies and projects are based on the holis c integra on of these elements, and a commitment to the development of new technologies to facilitate independent living in people’s own homes.

Newly constructed buildings must incorporate the legal and technical requirements of Universal Design. Older buildings are subject to inspec ons and are required to make reasonable adjustments to meet the requirements of a legal framework in constant renewal. In order to comply with this it is necessary to keep abreast of new regula ons, and this is diffi cult for most professionals.

We design construc on projects and advise companies and government administra ons in developing their projects. We carry out studies and audits that iden fy the requirements for adapta on to exis ng buildings, both buildings of public use and housing. We also develop training and research products.



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In an increasingly urban world ci es must transform themselves in order to be eff ec ve and inclusive; this requires new models that pay a en on to the person: from planning to new developments or urban regenera on. Buildings and facili es, streets and urban services… everything is in constant growth and renewal, providing opportuni es to rethink and propose new alterna ves.

We work to incorporate human scale into the new approaches and paradigms of urban design and in models such as the Age Friendly Ci es and Smart Ci es.

We develop plans, studies, training courses and social par cipa on processes. We also elaborate standards and manuals, design solu ons and advise companies and organiza ons.

We all want cleaner, healthier and more par cipatory ci es where the streets are not dangerous for children or the elderly, and which also respond to the mobility needs of all their ci zens.

Global urban trends such as smart ci es need a human scale perspec ve to be successful. Transport technology is also a source of constant innova on and must adapt to the needs of sustainable mobility.

Our work in these regards includes producing standards and manuals, organize courses and conferences, develop studies of demand and par cipatory processes. We design solu ons and advise companies and ins tu ons in projects for the improvement of major transport infrastructure (metro, BRT, etc.) and their integra on in the urban fabric.


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How does ACCEPLAN work?


We inves gate. ACCEPLAN began in the university and has con nuing links to it. We par cipate in na onal and interna onal research projects.

We report. We conduct in-depth studies into user diversity and needs, any social and technical problems they encounter when accessing, travelling around, communica ng in or interac ng with any environment.

We study the connec on between the physical form and human ac vity in order to propose the best design solu ons.


We transmit knowledge built up from over 15 years of organizing courses for post-graduates, basic training and professional development, seminars, congresses and conferences.

We publish research papers, informa ve ar cles, videos. We have a dedicated blog and there are many downloadable documents on our web site www.acceplan.com

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Each one of our projects is original and dis nct, whether it is a design for urban renova on or to implement a plan of ac on or standard, we always study the exis ng situa on in order to off er crea ve, func onal and cost-saving solu ons.

We work at diff erent levels. Every problem has various dimensions and our micro solu ons are a result of understanding the dynamics on a large scale.

We promote ra onal and func onal spaces for people and encourage par cipa on and ac vity in public spaces. We work to integrate, to create a city, a home, to break isola on.

Our entrepreneurial spirit is addressed to deliver innova ve solu ons with the highest quality, customer care and considera on for the diversity of users.


We advise companies and public bodies, we promote accessibility and design for all and ensure that products and services more closely match the needs of diff erent people.

We off er solu ons to ensure that any environment -city, buildings or transporta on modes- is adapted to the needs of its users.

We do not aspire to merely meet standards or comply with regula ons, but to achieving comprehensive usability in our solu ons.

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How can ACCEPLAN collaborate with your team?


• ACCEPLAN is a reliable partner in the development of collabora ve projects in the fi eld of research, training, analysis and technical consul ng. We are able to undertake projects with a broad social innova on component combined with technical excellence and a en on to detail.

• We par cipate in interna onal pla orms on accessibility and aging (EIP-AHA, GAATES, age@HOME) and on proposals for programs within the European research framework.

• We collaborate with companies, non-profi t organisa ons and public administra ons to develop projects addressed to adjust the environment to people’s needs, always on a “human scale” and from the perspec ve of universal accessibility.


• To guarantee that your organiza on off ers the best possible service to clients and end users, as well as ensuring compliance to regula ons without losing func onality or a rac veness.

• To apply for interna onal tendering processes from a be er posi on in a partnership that allows you to ensure the appropriateness of the project for the end user and to meet the growing demands of a en on to popula on groups such as the elderly or disabled.

• To avoid market losses and mistakes due to poor usability or lack of adaptability of the solu ons implemented.

• To provide courses tailored to your company needs by means of contracts and support agreements.

A framework of possibili es:

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Fernando Alonso-López

ACCEPLAN CEO. Master in Applied Economics. Researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Has been a consultant to various ministries and editor of legal documents such as the Na onal Accessibility Plan 2004-2012 and the Ministerial Order 561/2010 on Accessibility in Urban Public Spaces He is the author of many publica ons and has received two awards (La Caixa and Caja Madrid) for research into Social Sciences for his work on The Func onal Adapta on of Housing.

Martha Mackay Jarque

Master from ESADE Business School. Former execu ve manager at MBM Arquitects, known for their 1992 Olympic Games master plan for Barcelona. Former execu ve manager at the Salas Founda on. She is a facilitator and expert in Social innova on and has coordinated the European Monitoring Centre for the Adapta on of Housing. Member of EUROCARERS, European Associa on Working for Carers, and a member of the Informal Caregivers Associa on of Barcelona. She has collaborated with diff erent European projects in the fi eld of Ac ve and Healthy aging, as well as the Urbact project.

What experience does ACCEPLAN have?

Mariano Calle Cebrecos

Architect and urban planner with 37 years of professional experience in Construc on, Land Planning, Urban Planning, and the Rehabilita on of buildings. Founder and technical manager of AMERIACC, a program of technical coopera on between Spain and La n America to promote and disseminate Design for All and Universal Accessibility. Expert advisor to the Ministry of Science and Innova on (MICINN), and par cipant in the Na onal Commission of Assessment of Research Ac vity.

Eliana Pires de Souza

Architect and town planner specialized in accessibility. She has experience in the development of Integrated Accessibility Plans for ci es. During the last 10 years she has par cipated in the development of Integrated Accessibility Plans for more than 80 municipali es and various universi es across Spain. She has been responsible for accessibility and urban design of the study for the universal accessibility of Lima’s Metropolitan integrated transport system.

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Organisa ons with whom we have worked.

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Key projects

• “Study into the universal accessibility of the BRT Metropolitan in Lima. Project PHRDTF011294- World Bank, Peru 2014

• 100 hour specialisa on training course “Building Evalua on Reports: Rehabilita on, Energy Effi ciency and Accessibility”, organised by ACCEPLAN and the Ministry of Development, Spain, 2013-2014.

• Development and organiza on of the postgraduate degree course 2015-2016 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona “Accessibility and mobility: the human scale of urban interven ons”.

• Dra ing of the Ministerial Order VIV/561/2010 laying down the technical document containing the basic condi ons of accessibility and non-discrimina on for the access and use of urban public spaces. Ministry of Housing, Spain, 2010

• Project to improve Accessibility and the Urban Scene. Coslada Town Council. Municipal Housing Company. EMVICOSA. 2011.

• Organiza on of the ADAVIV Forum: The Rehabilita on and Func onal Adapta on of Housing in the local sphere: European experiences. Kursaal building, June 9th, 2010 for the Provincial Council of Guipuzcoa, in San Sebas án Spain.

• Development Plan and Land Planning for the Region of San Miguel. VMVDU. Vice-Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. El Salvador 2009.

• Na onal Land Planning Programme (PRONOT) for Honduras and Nicaragua 2003 MARENA- Ineter. Funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). In charge of planning, housing and social facili es.

• Implementa on of the Land Planning and Urban Development Programme and the Urban Plan for the Valley of San Andrés for the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the Republic of El Salvador. 2001

• Evalua on and Control Methodology for the “Housing Adapta ons Programme for the Elderly” in the province of Barcelona. Barcelona Council 2009

• Unique strategic R&D Ministry of Science and Innova on PATRAC Project (2007-2009). Accessible Heritage: R&D+i for a culture without barriers, together with large companies (GEOCISA, ACCIONA), SMEs, technological centres and universi es

• Preliminary studies and dra ing of Spain’s First Na onal Accessibility Plan 2004-2012. Ministry of Work and Social Aff airs. Spain.

• Research and dra ing of the Green Paper on Accessibility in Spain. Basis for an integrated plan to remove barriers. Ins tute for Migra on and Social Services, IMSERSO, Spain 2002 and 2003.

• Organiza on and technical coordina on of the “Accssibility and Independent Living at Home” Conference. Lecture: The Func onal Adapta on of Housing: programmes, exper se and experiences. ACCEPLAN - IMSERSO. 11 to 13 November 2008.

• Organiza on and technical coordina on of the Interna onal Conference: The accessible bus and urban mobility: programmes, innova on and technology, for the Spanish Federa on of Municipali es and Provinces, FEMP, IMSERSO and Gijón City Council, 30-31 October 2006.

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• The accessible bus: more than just a low pla orm. Edited by FEMP and IMSERSO. Madrid, December 19, 2005.

• Research study “Func onal Adapta on of Housing in the Elderly and Disabled Popula on: Needs, Programmes and Cases”. Published by the Salas Founda on (2009). Caja Madrid Social Research Award 2007 and Accesit Rogeli Duocastella Award 2007.

• The Ica Accessible Project (2008), developed in Ica (Peru) for the accessible reconstruc on of areas aff ected by the 2007 earthquake. Project fi nanced by AECID, Ministry of Foreign Aff airs. Spain-Peru.

• Course on Accessibility and Human Development at the Universidad Alas Peruanas and Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, Ica (Peru) 26th to 29th April 2010 and at the Universidad Nacional de Arquitectura Federico Villarreal, Lima, April 25th 2010.

• Organizer of the “Accessibility in the City” Workshop. VI District Epidemiological Conference 2011. Bogotá D.C., Colombia, 10th to 11th October 2011.

• Organizer of the interna onal Conference “Towards an Ac ve Ageing at Home”, Barcelona October 24 and 25 2012. With Fundación La Caixa and Barcelona Council.

• Spanish Country Representa ve of the Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments, GAATES (Melbourne, Canada).

• Studies and publica ons on Accessible Design and Management in Municipali es and Hotels, including: Universal Accessibility in the municipali es: Guidelines for an integrated Development and Management Policy (IMSERSO, 2005), Hotel Accessibility Guide for promo on and management (IMSERSO, 2005).

•Member of the European Innova on Partnership on Ac ve and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) and promoter of AHUD (Architecture, Housing and Urban Design) group.

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ACCEPLAN ACCESIBILIDAD S.L.C/ San Bernardo 122º dcha - 28015Madrid - Spain

Phone: (+34) 91 531 20 00 (+34) 696 172 555

[email protected] | www.acceplan.com | @ACCEPLAN


ACCEPLANIns tut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus Universidad Autónoma de BarcelonaEdifi cio E-1 08193 - BellaterraBarcelona - SpainPhone: (+34) 93 581 32 87 (+34) 676 961 173