L’imparfait ~ the imperfect tense L’imparfait  is a past tense. Whereas the passé composé  (also a past tense) is used to recount events which occurred in the past and are completed, examples 1. Les montagnes étaient couvertes de neige. The mountains were covered with snow. 2. L’année dernière j’ allais chez mes grands-  parents tous les week-end s. Last year I used to go to my grandparents place every wee!end. ". Quand je regardais la télé ma mère est rentrée. While I was watching T# my mother came home. $ormation o% l’imparfait $or all ver&s except être 1. ta!e the 'nous %orm o% the present tense 2. drop the 'ons to get the stem o% the ver& ". add the imparfait endings *xamples+ . dormir 1. ta!e the 'nous %orm o% the present tense - ' nous dormons” 2. drop the 'ons - “dorm” - this is the stem o% the ver& ". add the imparfait endings  e dormais I was sleeping, I used to sleep !u dormais ou were sleeping, you used to sleep "l#elle#on dormait /e0she0one was sleeping, he0she0one used to sleep $ous dormions We were sleeping, we used to sleep %ous dormiez ou (plural) were sleeping, you used to sleep "ls#elles dormaient They were sleeping, they used to sleep the imparfait is used &. %or descriptions '. to tal! a&out repeated events in the past (events which used to happen) (. to descri&e an event which was happening (l’imparfait) when it was interrupted &y another event (le passé composé)

19 Im Parfait Note

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L’imparfait ~ the imperfect tense

L’imparfait is a past tense.Whereas the passé composé (also a past tense) is used to recount events

• which occurred in the past• and are completed,


1. Les montagnes étaient couvertes deneige.

The mountains were covered with snow.

2. L’année dernière j’allais chez mes grands- parents tous les week-ends.

Last year I used to go to my grandparentsplace every wee!end.

". Quand je regardais la télé ma mère estrentrée.

While I was watching T# my mother camehome.

$ormation o% l’imparfait

$or all ver&s except être

1. ta!e the 'nous %orm o% the present tense2. drop the 'ons to get the stem o% the ver&". add the imparfait endings


. dormir 

1. ta!e the 'nous %orm o% the present tense - 'nous dormons”2. drop the 'ons - “dorm” - this is the stem o% the ver&". add the imparfait endings

 e dormais I was sleeping, I used to sleep!u dormais ou were sleeping, you used to sleep

"l#elle#on dormait /e0she0one was sleeping, he0she0one used to sleep

$ous dormions We were sleeping, we used to sleep

%ous dormiez ou (plural) were sleeping, you used to sleep"ls#elles dormaient They were sleeping, they used to sleep


the imparfait is used

&. %or descriptions'. to tal! a&out repeated events in the past (events which used to happen)(. to descri&e an event which was happening (l’imparfait) when it was interrupted &y

another event (le passé composé)


. )tre - the stem o% )tre is 'ét

 ’étais I was, I used to &e!u étais ou were, you used to &e

"l#elle#on était /e0she0one was, he0she0one used to &e

$ous étions We were, we used to &e

%ous étiez ou (plural) were, you used to &e

"ls#elles étaient They were, they used to &e

ore examples+

endings avoir aimer finir entendre

 e   ais 3avais 3aimais 3e %inissais 3entendais!u   ais Tu avais Tu aimais Tu %inissait Tu entendais"l#elle#on   ait Il avait Il aimait Il %inissait Il entendait$ous   ions 4ous avions 4ous aimions 4ous %inissions 4ous entendions%ous   iez #ous avie5 #ous aimie5 #ous %inissie5 #ous entendie5"ls#elles   aient Ils avaient Ils aimaient Ils %inissaient Ils entendaient


1. $or some ver&s, spelling changes must occur %or correct pronunciation.

• #er&s ending in '-ger  (manger) will need an 'e placed &e%ore the endings which start with an'a, %or example ' e mangeais

• #er&s ending in '-cer  (commencer) will need a 'c cédille placed &e%ore the endings which startwith an 'a, %or example ' e commençais

2. #er&s which end in '-ier  have a stem which ends in 'i. This means that in the 'nous and the'vous %orms they contain a dou&le 'i. This loo!s strange &ut is per%ectly correct. $or example,étudier  (to study) - Nous étudiions * we were studying, we used to study.

". Three ver&s commonly used in descriptions (which you have already met in ear 18) are the ver&s' faire, 'avoir  and ')tre.

• +aire and avoir  are o%ten used in weatherrelated descriptions+ "l faisait ,eau il avait du vent

• /tre is used with ce in sentences such as + 0’était amusant c’était di%%icile

*xercise+ 9omplete the ta&le &elow with the imparfait %or each ver&+

ranger (to tidy) se lever (to get up) crier (to shout)









. elow are sentences expressing repeated actions. :sing the expression in &rac!ets ;whichindicate continuance< put the sentence into the past tense. 7tart each sentence with 'L’annéedernière... ;%or rules on the position o% adver&s see your 'dver& note in this &oo!<

1. 3e %ais mes devoirs dans le &ureau de mon p=re. ;tou>ours< L’année dernière ........................


2. on %r=re sort le chien. ;%r?@uemment< .....................................................................


". a copine et moi, nous nous rencontrons au cin?ma. ;par%ois< ..........................................


A. 3e mentraBne pour rester en %orme. ;tout le temps< ......................................................


C. on p=re lit le >ournal avant le dBner. ;souvent< ...........................................................


D. Eamien aide son p=re avec le >ardinage. ;de temps en temps< ..........................................


F. a m=re nous pr?pare des crGpes comme dessert. ;@uel@ue%ois< .......................................


H . 3e vois ma cousine @ui ha&ite en ustralie. ;rarement< ..................................................


. a sJur est en retard parce @uelle se couche tard K ;tous les lundis< ..................................


18. 3e me &rosse les dents deux %ois par >our. ;dha&itude< .................................................


. elow are sentences which involve descriptions o% %eelings, mental activity or conditions. ll o%these are processes which involve duration (not single events which ta!e place and are complete)and so re@uire the use o% the imparfait. ewrite the sentences in the past.

1. 3e ne veux pas sortir. ...........................................................................................

2. #ous regrette5 les >ours pass?s. ...............................................................................

". 4ous pouvons venir tous les samedis. ..........................................................................

A. Il ne sait pas les r?ponses. ......................................................................................

C. *lles croient @ue vous ave5 raison. ............................................................................


D. 4ous esp?rons recevoir de &onnes notes. ....................................................................

F. M @uoi pensestu N ................................................................................................

H. 4ous sommes d?sol?s de ne pas pouvoir venir. ..............................................................


. *lle pr?%=re voyager en avion. .................................................................................

18. 3e le d?sire &eaucoup. .........................................................................................

9. 3oin the %ollowing pairs o% sentences using the correct ver& tenses. The action in the sentence in9olumn is interrupted &y the action in the sentence in 9olumn . :se the word '1uand  to >oin thesentences.

9olumn 9olumn

1. 3e %ais du v?lo. 3e tom&e de mon v?lo.

2. Le pro% parle O son ?l=ve. La cloche sonne.

". 4ous regardons la t?l?. Il y a une panne d?lectricit?.

A. Patrice attend le &us. 7on copain arrive.

C. 3e lis mon livre sur la plage. 3entends un oiseau @ui chante.

D. 3e suis en train denvoyer un texto O ma copine. *lle arrive O la porte.

1. .......................................................................................................................


2. ........................................................................................................................


". .......................................................................................................................


A. .......................................................................................................................


C. .......................................................................................................................


D. .......................................................................................................................
