III. PARTIE ADMINISTRATIVE III. ADMINISTRATIVE PART A) AIHS 1) SYMPOSIUM DE GARDA SUR L'HYDROLOGIE DES LACS Une circulaire du Comite d'organisation Italien vient d'etre envoyee. On peut se la procurer en la demandant: soit au delegue national de l'AIHS, soit au secretaire du Comite d'organisation italien, Ie professeur MaRANDINI, Institut de geo- graphie, Universite de Padova, Padova, Italie. 2) SYMPOSIUM D'HAIFA (Israel 1967) Naus renvoyons a ce qui a ete publie dans les bulletins precedents. On est prie de bien tenir note des delais indiques pour la presenta- tion des resumes et des rapports. 3) ASSEMBLEE GENERALE (Berne 1967) On trouvera Ie programme dans Ie Bulletin X nO 3. 4) AUTRES REUNIONS ENVISAGEES On trouvera la liste des reunions prevues dans Ie cadre de la Decennie dans Ie rapport sur la reunion du Comite de coordination de la decennie (voir ce Bulletin B) UNESCO). 180 A) I ASH 1) SYMPOSIUM OF GARDA ON THE HYDROLOGY OF LAKES The Italian Organizing Committee issued a circular which has just been distributed. This circular can be obtained: by the National Representative of the lASH or by the Secretary of the Italian Organizing Committee: Professor MORANDINI, lnstituto di Geografia, Universita, Padova, Italy. 2) SYMPOSIUM OF HAIFA (Israel 1967) Please, consult the issue Xl no. 1 of the Bulletin and keep well in mind the deadlines for the presentation of the abstracts and of the complete texts. 3) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Bern 1967) The program can be found lil the issue X no. 3 of the Bulletin. 4) OTHER MEETINGS The list of the meetings concerning Hydrol- ogy for the next years can be found in the report of the Coordinating Committee of the Decade (see this issue, B) UNESCO).

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Une circulaire du Comite d'organisationItalien vient d'etre envoyee.

On peut se la procurer en la demandant:soit au delegue national de l'AIHS, soit ausecretaire du Comite d'organisation italien,Ie professeur MaRANDINI, Institut de geo­graphie, Universite de Padova, Padova, Italie.

2) SYMPOSIUM D'HAIFA(Israel 1967)

Naus renvoyons a ce qui a ete publie dansles bulletins precedents. On est prie de bientenir note des delais indiques pour la presenta­tion des resumes et des rapports.


On trouvera Ie programme dans Ie BulletinX nO 3.


On trouvera la liste des reunions prevuesdans Ie cadre de la Decennie dans Ie rapportsur la reunion du Comite de coordination dela decennie (voir ce Bulletin B) UNESCO).




The Italian Organizing Committee issueda circular which has just been distributed.

This circular can be obtained:by the National Representative of the lASHor by the Secretary of the Italian OrganizingCommittee: Professor MORANDINI, lnstituto diGeografia, Universita, Padova, Italy.

2) SYMPOSIUM OF HAIFA(Israel 1967)

Please, consult the issue Xl no. 1 of theBulletin and keep well in mind the deadlinesfor the presentation of the abstracts and of thecomplete texts.


The program can be found lil the issueX no. 3 of the Bulletin.


The list of the meetings concerning Hydrol­ogy for the next years can be found in thereport of the Coordinating Committee of theDecade (see this issue, B) UNESCO).

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A l'AssembIee generale de 1'U G G I itHelsinki, en 1960, I'AIHS constitua uncomite permanent sur les cartes hydrogeolo­giques. La tache du comite etait d'etudier lesmethodes de presentation des donnees hydro­geologiques sur les cartes tant it petite qu' itgrande echelle.

Le Comite etait constitue de representantsde la France, de l'Allemagne, de la Hongrie,du Maroc, des Pays-Bas, du Royaume-Uni,des Etats-Unis et de I'URSS avec des repre­sentants de l'UNESCO, de la FAO et del'Association des Hydrogeologues (attachee aI'Union internationale des sciences geolo­giques).

En collaboration etroite avec l'Associationdes hydrogeologues, cette Commission pre­senta une legende generale pour les carteshydrogeologiques qui fut publiee dans IeBulletin de l'AIHS VII-3, septembre 1962,et aussi comme un document separe deI'UNESCO (en trois langues) UN/NR/20,en janvier 1963. Le dernier document a etelargement distribue.

Le Comite se reunira a Paris, les 27 et28juin 1966, a I'UNESCO pour notammentdecider quel sera Ie travail futur du comite etqueUe sera sa cooperation avec Ie nouveausous-comite des cartes hydrogeologiques, con­stitue par la Commission de la carte geologi­que du monde.


At the General Assembly of the lUG G inHelsinki, 1960, the International Associationof Scientific Hydrology established a standingcommittee on hydrogeological maps. The taskof this committee was to study methods ofpresenting hydrogeological data on maps ofboth small scale and large scale.

The committee consists of representativesfrom France, Germany F.R., Hungary,Morocco, Netherlands, United Kingdom,USA and USSR, with representatives fromUNESCO, FAO and the InternationalAssociation of Hydrogeologists (linked to theInternational Union of Geological sciences).

The committee, in close co-operation withthe International Association of Hydrogeolo­gists, compiled a general legend for hydrogeol­ogical maps, which was published in the I ASHBulletin VII-3, September 1962 and as aseparate UNESCO-document (in three lan­guages) NS/NR/20, January 1963. The latterdocument has been widely distributed.

The Committee will have its next meetingin Paris, June 27 and 28,1966, at UNESCO­headquarters. The purpose of this meeting isin particular to decide on the future task of thecommittee and on its co-operation with thenew sub-commission for hydrogeological maps,formed by the Commission for the GeologicalMap of the World.




Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction.2.0 Organization of meeting.


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3.0 Terms of reference.4.0 Consideration of reports of IHD working groups.

4.1 Design and planning of hydro-meteorological networks.4.2 Representative and experimental areas.4.3 Hydrology of fractured limestones.4.4 Hydrological education.4.5 Hydrological maps.4.6 Exchange of information.4.7 Influence of man on the hydrological cycle.4.8 WorId water balance.

5.0 Discussion of other items.5.1 Atmospheric programme of IUGG.5.2 WHO activities.5.3 W M 0 guide to hydro-meteorological practices.5.4 Guide on hydro-geology.5.5 Global water information system.5.6 Cooperative projects proposed by member states.5.7 Variations in precipitation and stream flow.5.8 Glacier mapping.5.9 Representation of ICSU at 2nd session of IHD.

6.0 Symposia and meetings.7.0 Budget proposal for 1967.8.0 Date and venue of next meeting.9.0 Closure of meeting.

Annex IAnnex IIAnnex IIIAnnex IV

Draft constitution of COW AR.Letter to I CS U unions and associations.Letter to six non-governmental technical associations.Resolution adopted by commission of snow and ice of lASH on glacier mapping.


The second session of COW AR was convened at Unesco in Paris by Professor A. Volkerin accordance with the plans made at the first session of COWAR in June 1965. At that time,it was noted that it would be desirable to convene the second session sometime in February 1966after the meeting of the ICSU Executive Committee and as far in advance of the April 1966meeting of the Co-ordinating Council for the IHD as possible. Those present were:

VOLKER A. lASHSERRA L. lASHBOGOMOLOV G.V. lASHTISON L.J. lASHTONINI D. lASHSZESZTAY K., President Commission of Surface Water, lASH.BUCHAN S., President Commission Groundwater, lASH.FOURNIER F.G.E., President Commission of Continental Erosion, lASH.CASTANY G., International Union of Geological Sciences.KELLER R., International Geographical Union.WARD W.H., representing Commission of Snow and Ice, ISAHSUTCLIFFE R.C., representing IUGG Committee on Atmospheric Sciences.BOCK P., acting in the place of LINSLEY R. K.WOOD W.E., observer, representing WHO.DA COSTA J.A., (Unesco) Secretary, Co-ordinating Council of lHD.


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The following Committee Members were unavoidably absent:



The Committee adopted the following agenda which was sent in advance to members byPresident Volker. It was noted that the order in which items were to be discussed would notnecessarily follow that given in the agenda, but rather the order be determined to expedite thebusiness of the meeting.

1. Opening of the session.2. Adoption of the agenda.3. Terms of reference and assignment of the Committee on Water Research.4. Report of the first session of the Bureau of the Co-ordinating Council and provisional

agenda of the second session of the Co-ordinating Council.5. Hydrologic requirements in respect of basic networks covering pluviometry, evaporation,

ground water, chemical quality, temperature of water and other factors (WMO Guide).6. Effect of physiographic features on precipItation.7. Interaction between COW AR and IHD programmes and the Atmospheric Science

Programme being generated by the IUGG Committee.8. Programmes of non-governmental organizations with interest in hydrology and water

resources development.9. Programmes of symposia on hydrology.

10. Participation in working groups.11. International Biological Programme.12. Composition of the Committee.13. Statutes of the Committee.14. Budget proposals for 1967.15. Date and venue of the next meeting.16. Closure of the meeting.

Several organizational matters were settled quickly. Because of the unavoidable absence ofMr. R. K. Linsley who is Secretary-General, there was need to fill this position on an ad hocbasis for this meeting. The Committee appointed K. Szseztay to fulfill these duties. Also L. Serrawas appointed to assist and P. Bock was requested to assist.

A. Volker announced that the full amount of budget request for the activities of COW ARfor fiscal year 1966 was approved by the I CS U General Assembly. L. Serra, as a member of theFinance Committee, was requested to prepare disbursements covering the expenses of themeeting.


A draft copy of a Constitution for the Scientific Committee on Water Research (COW AR)was distributed to the Committee for review well before the second session. Annex I containsthis draft constitution.

Two questions which were discussed concerned: (a) the terms of reference of COW AR(scope of activities) and (b) make-up of COW AR membership, including observers.

After discussion, the Committee concurred that it has the mandate to "study the problemof international water resources in all its aspects". The Committee interprets this to include notonly the scientific aspects but all relevant aspects. It was noted that such a broad term of reference


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would impose requirements on the Committee that called for advice from a large communityof scholars. As needs warranted, this advice would be solicited. Because of the broad terms ofreference of COW AR, which makes desirable a considerable range of multi-discipline com­petence which may not completely reside in a small committee, the question of augmenting theviewpoints of the Committee was discussed. It was decided that the Committee Membershipshould be enlarged to include a representative from the International Biological Programme.An invitation will be sent shortly to IBP to designate a representative as a member of COW AR.

The Committee felt it desirable to provide for orderly mechanisms to get as much relevantinformation as possible on matters before the Committee, while guarding against an unwieldlylarge meeting. It was the feeling of the Committee that selected non-ICSU members might beinvited as observers to participate and discuss, but could not be invited to vote. Because oflimited budgets, there seemed little hope that COW AR could provide for expenses of observers.

To provide for a greater spread of COW AR information, it was concurred that the followingCommissions should be sent COW AR agenda so that they could decide if a particular meetingwas relevant to their interests and, if so, to inform COW AR and arrange to prepare workingpapers for consideration by COW AR at an appropriate meeting. A letter is to be sent to allICS U Unions and Associations plus six engineering associations, to solicite informationconcerning their activities which may be considered relevant to the activities of COW AR.Annexes II and III contain copies of these letters.

After discussions, the Committee felt that there is no immediate reason to insist that theCo-ordinating Council expand the IHD programme to include biological programmes withinthe framework of the IHD. However, the Committee recognizes the importance of biology inIHD. As stated previously, IBP will be invited to nominate a representative for membershiponCOWAR.


4.1 NetlVork Planning and Design - Unesco/Quebec, 15-22 June 1966

The Committee read with great interest the report of this ad hoc working group andgenerally endorsed the report and noted that certain areas of interest should not beforgotten-these are: ground water, sedimentation and some hydrological networks.

It was a general opinion that activities on preparation of guide should be continuedespecially in fields not contained in sufficient extent in the W M 0 "Guide to Hydro­meteorological Practices" (hydrogeology and sedimentation first of all) and recom­mends that this manual be published by Unesco. The Committee recommends that theIHD Co-ordinating Council request lASH and IAH to prepare with the support ofthe IHD Secretariat, a Guide on Hydrogeological Practices, taking into account theproposal of U SS R in this subject which may serve as the basis of the work (see 5.4) anda rational accordance in content and in structure with W M 0 Guide and "Manual onRepresentative and Experimental Areas" .

4.2 Representative and Experimental Areas-Unesco/AVS/NR/IHD/214

The Committee discussed this subject on the basis of the Report of the WorkingGroup and an explanation given by Mr. J. Jacquet on "Manual on Representative andExperimental Areas". The following remarks and recommendations were accepted:(a) The Committee supports the proposal that the ad hoc Working Group be transferred

into a permanent Working Group;(b) In preparation of the "Manual on Representative and Experimental Areas" the

possibility and reasonableness of its extension to include glacier problems whichshould be considered and contact should be established with the lAS H Commissionon Snow and Ice;


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(c) Measurement techniques should deal only with details not contained in W M 0Guide on "Hydrometeorological Practices" and in the proposed guide on "Hydro­geological Practices" (see 4.1).

4.3 Hydrology of Fractured Limestone

The Committee discussed the subject on the basis of the Working Group's Reportand explanation given by Mr. G. Castany. The following remarks and recommendationswere accepted:(a) The Committee recommends that the Working Group extend the programme

beyond limestones to also include other geological formations of the MediterraneanBasin showing karstic phenomena;

(b) Carrying out the programme, due attention should be given to possibilities ofapplying model studies and a rational extension of the programme to other hydraulicengineering problems beyond the scope of hydrology (such as the solution of rocksendangering the safety of dams).

4.4 Hydrological Education-Unesco/AVS/NR/IHD/208

The Committee considered the report of the Working Group and expressed itsappreciation for the valuable work done so far. It endorses the future work of the groupand the recommendations in the form of a draft resolution to the Co-ordinating Council.

With respect to the optional hydrological subjects (Annex III of the Unesco report),the Committee recommends to add Paleohydrology to this list. The Committee alsolikes to stress the urgent need for training facilities in the field of ground water hydrologyin the developing countries.

4.5 Hydrological Maps

The Committee considered the proposals of the Bureau ofIHD with respect to theterms of reference and the composition of the Working Group. The Committee notedwith appreciation the invitation of the Bureau to ICS U, lASH and IAH to participateand to help the Secretariate in co-ordinating the efforts of this working group.

With respect to the Working Group, the Committee feels that it would be advisableto include in this group an expert on cartography and requested I G U to designate anexpert in this field. Professor Bogomolov was designated as representative of I C SU.While endorsing the concept of general hydrological maps, the Committee draws theattention to the specialized knowledge that is required for integrating the specifichydrological aspects in these maps. It recommends that lASH and IAH be asked totake up this part of the work. The Committee also recommended that maps relatingto snow and ice problems be included in the terms of reference of the Working Group.

4.6 Exchange of Information

The Committee discussed the report of this working group (Unesco/AVS/NR/IHD/228). The Committee endorsed the recommendations of the report with the fol­lowing amendments:(a) In the selection of the streamflow measuring stations for the Year Book, as men­

tioned in paragraph The selection of the stations should be guided by IHD;(b) In the Year Book, mention should be made of long-term averages where these are

available and the period of record noted.(c) It is desirable to follow the units of measurements adopted by International

Standards Organization.(d) The Committee noted the statement of the representative of the WHO requesting

that more stress be put on the quality factors.


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4.7 Influence of Man on the Hydrological Cycle

The Committee read with great interest the report of this working group andgenerally endorses it. Professor R. Keller is designated as a member of the WorkingGroup on Influence of Man on the Hydrological Cycle representing ICS U.

4.8 World Water Balance

The Committee considered the request from the Secretariat of IHD to designate arepresentative of I C SU in this Working Group which will meet for the first time on13-15 April 1966. The Committee appointed Mr. Fournier (France) as representativeof ICSU. Mr. K. Szesztay (Hungary) will represent lASH in this working group.


5.1 Atmospheric Programme of IUGG

Professor Sutcliffe summarized the recent lUG G Committee report concerning theprogramme on Atmospheric Sciences and suggested that COW AR should be keptfully informed of these activities.

5.2 WHO Activities

Mr. W. E. Wood summarized the activities of WHO in the field of water research.The quality and pollutional aspects of community water supplies and ground waterwere stressed.

5.3 W M 0 Guide to Hydrometeorological Practices

The Committee states that the ground water, erosion and sedimentation sections inthe W M 0 Guide are sketchedly prepared and they are not sufficient for the purposesof the Decade. For this reason, it si necessary to prepare special Guides on these matters.It would be desirable to have proposals on thematics in erosion and sedimentation, asit has been done for hydrogeology.

The Committee noted that, because of considerable delay in issuing the Guide andlack of copies requested for the Committee members, it was not possible for theCommittee to examine the Guide and advise on acceptability as one of the DecadeGuides. The Committee plans to do this at its next session if copies of the W M 0 Guideare available in advance. For the same reason the Committee could not assist appro­priately the IHD Secretariat in elaborating complete proposals concerning hydrologicalrequirements of improving and completing the guides (see Resolution No.1 of the firstsession of the IHD Co-ordinating Council and page 3 of the past meeting's report ofthe Committee).

5.4 I H D Guide to Hydrogeological Practices

The Committee discussed the subject on the basis of a proposal of the US SRIHDNational Committee (Unesco/AVS/NR/IHD/300) and in relation with the report ofthe IHD Working Group on Network Planning and Design. Recommendations ofthe Committee on this subject are expressed under point 4.1 of this report.

5.5 Global Water Information System

The Committee takes note of the concept of a global water information system aspresented by P. Bock, and expresses to the Co-ordinating Council its readiness to studythis matter further as more information is developed on the concept.


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5.6 Cooperative Projects Proposed by Member States (UnescojA VSjNRjIHDj301)

The report was discussed and adopted in its main outline. The question was raisedwhether it would be advisable for the arrangement of the subject in this report as wellas the arrangement of all the other activities of the Decade to adopt the system ofuniversal decimal classification in hydrology which is being worked on by W M O. Itwas considered, however, that since this classification has not yet been finalized, nosteps by COWAR should be taken at this time.

The Committee was of the opinion that an effort should be made by IHD to moreactively direct the research in hydrology. It was suggested to accomplish this by a seriesof steps: the collection of information on research topics, consideration by the relevantworking group(s), and requesting Member States to fill gaps and avoid overlapping.The Secretary informs the Committee that steps have already been taken in respect tothis step.

5.7 Variability of Rainfall and Streamflow

The report of the COWAR committee was discussed and endorsed. This projectwill be recommended to the Co-ordinating Council.

5.8 Glacier Mapping

Mr. W. H. Ward summarized the report of the Commission of Snow and Ice (referto Annex IV). After discussion, the Committee generally endorsed the report and drewparticular attention to the need for the Co-ordinating Council of IHD to implementResolutions 3 and 5.

5.9 Representation of ICS U at Second Session of IHD Co-ordinating Council, April 1966,Paris

The Committee designated Mr. A. Volker (President, COWAR) and Mr. L. Serrato be proposed to ICSU to represent ICSU at the Second Session.


An extensive list of meetings and symposia for the period 1966 to 1968 was discussed forpurposes of information. Some 30 or more meetings directly related to hydrology were discussedas well as an additional number of symposia and topics that may be related to hydrology.Mr. L. Serra has been designated to organize and update the listing of these meetings.

Some potential subjects for future symposia were considered. These included: hydrologicmapping, quality of water, biological aspects of water, trace elements, hydrology of the highmountain regions, exploration of ground water, and forecasting of ground water fluctuations.The Committee will continue to study this matter.


On the same basis as that for 1966, and considering that the Committee will be augmentedby one member (a biologist), COW AR considers to propose to ICSU the following budget:


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Proposed Budget for 1967

Plenary Session of COW AR

Cost of meeting of one working group

Participation in the 1967 meeting of the Unesco Co-ordinating Council

Costs for functioning of the Committee (working documents)

This represents an increase of 10% compared with the 1966 budget.


$ 3,600




$ 6,400

The Committee discussed further activities in the course of 1966. It was considered desirableto have another meeting at the end of 1966. The ICSU Secretariate will be asked to determinewhether this meeting can be held in Rome.

The 1967 meeting of COW AR is planned to be held in February in Paris.


The Committee unanimously supported an enthusiastic vote of thanks presented by ProfessorL. J. Tison for the facilities and interpretations made available, and also the good offices givenby Mr. J.A. da Costa, Secretary of the IHD.



COW A R is a Scientific Committee of I C S U. The object of the Committee is to study theproblem of international water resources in all its aspects, to formulate and execute a programmeof research on that subject, and to act as adviser, on behalf of ICSU, to UNESCO and otherinterested bodies (WMO, WHO, FAO, etc.) on problems pertaining to the InternationalHydrological Decade. In view of the organizations already studying this problem the COW ARwill keep itself informed of other international activities in this field in order to ensure coopera­tion and to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort.

Initially the composition of the Committee shall be as follows:

(a) A number of representatives of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology of theInternational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; the President of the Commission ofSurface Water of lASH; the President of the Commission of Ground Water of lASH; thePresident of the Commission of Continental Erosion of lASH; the President of the Com­mission of Snow and Ice of lASH; a representative of the International Association ofPhysical Oceanography, a representative of the International Association of Meteorologyand Atmospheric Physics; and a representative of the International Biological Programme;

(b) One representative to act as observer to be designated by each international scientific unionfederated in ICSU which desires to participate in COWAR;


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(c) One representative to act as observer to be designated by the following non-governmentalassociations that may desire participation in COW AR: International Commission onIrrigation and Drainage, International Water Supply Association, Commission on HighDams of World Power Conference, International Association on Water Pollution Research,International Association on Hydraulic Research, and International Association on SoilScience (I ASS);

(d) The Special Agencies of the United Nations interested in the work of the Committee maydesignate observers to attend the meetings of COW AR.

COW AR shall elect from among its members a Bureau, consisting of a President, twoVice-Presidents and a Secretary, each elected for a period of two years and eligible for re-electionfor a further period of two years. The method of election shall be such as to ensure adequaterepresentation of the various disciplines in water research among the members of COW AR.These nominations are subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee of I C SU.

The Bureau will be responsible for implementing the policies and programmes approved bythe COW AR, and shall be responsible to ICS U for the coordination of the scientific programmeadopted by COWAR.

COW AR may appoint ad hoc committees for the examination of special problems.COWAR shall submit, in accordance with Rule 14 of the Rules for ICSU Special and

Scientific Committees, its budget to I CS U. To assist the Committee in the preparation of itsbudget, a Finance Committee shall be appointed, consisting of two members and the Treasurerof I CS U ex-officio. The expenditure incurred shall be subject to control by the Treasurer ofICSU.

The expenses of the members of COW AR in attending meetings of the Committee or Bureau,and in the business of the Committee may be defrayed by COW AR.

The Secretary of COW AR shall keep the Secretary-General ofICS U promptly informed ofthe activities of COW AR.

In matters not covered by this text, the ICS U Rules for Scientific and Special Committeesshall be followed.


Dear Sir,

As you may be aware, ICSU created a Scientific Committee on Water Research (COW AR)in June 1964, in London and intends to ensure the possibility of participation in the activity ofthis committee for all I C S U Unions, Associations and Committees desiring to do so.

I would appreciate any information concerning the interest of your organization in the waterresearch field and especially your comments and proposals on specific problems of your interestand possible forms of participating in the activities of our Committee.

I am sending herewith the reports of the two meetings of the Committee for generalinformation, and I would be only too pleased to obtain further information for you concerningrecent activities in water research.

Yours faithfully,

Professor A. VOLKER

President, COWAR

Circular letter to ICS U Unions, Associations and Committees(except those already represented in COWAR and IUBS Biology).


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Dear Sir,

As you may be aware, I CS U created a Scientific Committee on Water Research, CO WAR,(June 1964, London) for studying the problem of international water resources in all its aspects.

I would appreciate your comments and proposals on reasonability and possible forms ofestablishing a regular contact between your organization and COW AR (exchange of reportsand information on the meetings and representation of your organization at the COW ARmeetings on occasional or regular bases, etc.).

I am sending herewith the reports of the two meetings of the Committee for generalinformation, and I would be only too pleased to obtain further information for you concerningrecent activities of our Committee.

Yours faithfully,

Professor A. VOLKERPresident, COW AR

Circular letter to:

ICIDWater SupplyHigh DamsWater PollutionHydraulics ResearchSoil Science



adopted by theSymposium on Glacier Mapping

of theIUGG-IASH Commission on Snow and Ice

20-22 September 1965

The Symposium on Glacier Mapping, sponsored by the IUGG-IASH Commssiion onSnow and Ice, in Ottawa, 20-22 September 1965, adopted the following resolutions, and requeststhe Commission to take appropriate further action to implement these resolutions.

1. The Symposium recognizes the value of the resolution, adopted by the Council for the IHD,on a World Inventory of Perennial and Annual Snow and Ice Masses. The Symposiumrecommends that the Commission urge U N ESC 0 to encourage the member states to supportglacier mapping activities that are an integral and necessary part of this IHD programme,and recommends that these mapping activities include: (a) small-scale maps, showing thedistribution of glaciers, from which total glacier areas can be determined; (b) larger-scalecontour maps of as many glaciers as possible in representative areas drawn with sufficientaccuracy for valid comparisons of mass changes, at intervals of about ten years. For all maps,the date, means of survey, and accuracy should be specified, and glaciers should be includedwith (but differentiated from) other masses of snow and ice which persist for more than oneyear.


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2. The Symposium strongly emphasizes the need for detailed, large-scale glaciological maps ofrepresentative glaciers, including their complete drainage basins, particularly for the purposesof the study of the glacier-climate relationship as part of the IHD programme, and as anecessary background for many other scientific and technological programmes associatedwith glaciers. A scale 1: 10,000 or larger is desirable.

3. Considering the importance in some areas of glaciers as water resources, as elements ofattraction or danger to manking, and as elements in the natural environment, the Symposiumrecognizes the great need for proper delineation of glaciers on maps of standard topographicalseries, and urges government agencies responsible for topographical surveys and internationalorganizations such as UN ESC 0 to pay special attention to the continually changing formsof glaciers and the proper distinction between glaciers and ephemeral or persistent snowmasses.

4. The Symposium recommends that the Commission consider the formation of a Committeeon Glacier Mapping to have a continuing responsibility to investigate, promote the study of,and report on new techniques for glacier mapping and other ways to record and presentspatially distributed glaciological information. This Committee should work in liaison withother groups in similar fields.

5. The Symposium calls to the attention of the Commission the need for (a) a manual on glaciermapping; (b) a standardization of symbols on glacier maps; (c) preparation of recommenda­tions for international exchange of glaciological maps and data, especially those relating tointernational programmes such as the IHD.

6. The Symposium on Glacier Mapping requests the Subcommittee on Glaciers, NationalResearch Council of Canada, to explore means of giving suitable recognition to Sebastianand Richard Finsterwalder in the Proceedings of the Symposium.

7. The Symposium recognizes the great value of bringing photogrammetrists, cartographers,glaciologists, and other interested persons together for these discussions, and expresses itsgratitude to the National Research Council of Canada and to the Organizing Committee.


Secretary, Commission of Snow and Ice




Le texte qui suit n'a rien d'un rapport officiel. La seule intention est de faire connaltre lesdecisions, recommandations et resolutions que nous estimons importants pour les hydrologues.


La seconde session du Conseil de coordination de la Decennie hydrologique internationales'est ouverte a la Maison de l'Unesco, a Paris, Ie 19 avril 1966.