15.9. 1970 Speclalla 1023 avec le phage q~D est toujours accompagn6e par la r@res- sion de l'h6molysine/5 (conversion). Les phages ~RE et ~D ont ~t6 isol6s de la souche BSON de S. aureus qui est coagulase-positive et inductible par la mitomycine ou par Ies rayons ultraviolets". Ces phages donnent deux types dif%rents de plages sur la couche continue de la culture de la souche BSS, ensemenc6e directement sur la g61ose BHI (Brain Heart Infusion, Difco). Le phage $D donne une plage de 1/2 mm de dia- m~tre, ronde, avec une culture secondaire au centre macroscopiquement visible. L'autre type de plage, appro- ximativement deux fois moins grande, ronde, plus claire et d@ourvue d'un centre opaque, correspond au phage ~RE Les phages en clone pur ont 6t~ isol6s par la m6thode reeommand6e par NICOLLE 7, 16ggrement modifi6e. Pour 8tre certains d'avoir entre les mains le phage de lign6e pure, nous avons op6r6 trois pr618vements successifs /~ partir d'un m~me type de plage bien s@a%e. Par la m~me occasion, nous avons compar~ le hombre total de PFU s d'une plage 5~ centre lysog~ne avec celui d'nne plage claire. Une plage du phage ~RE donne l0 s PFU, approximativement deux Iois plus qu'une plage X centre opaque. Le phage de Iign6e pure a 6t6 r6g6n6r6 sur les BSS. La propagation sur milieu solide donne un lysat phagique d'un titre plus 61ev6 (~RE > 10 xx PFU/ml, ~bD > 10 ~0 PFU/ml) que celni obtenu lors de la propagation en milieu liquide. L'6tude en microscopic 61ectronique de ces pr6parations phagiques purifi6es par centrifugation diff6rentielle" a montr6 que le virion le plus grand, tSte ovale, queue rigide, plaque terminale massive de lysat phagique ~bRD (r6f. ~, Figure 2) correspond 5. la plage claire d@ourvue d'un centre opaque, et que le phage Ie moins grand possgdant une t~te poly6drique et une queue d61icate et flexible correspond /~ la plage avec centre lysog6ne. I1 est possible de lysog6niser la souche BSS avec cha- cun de ces phages 5, part ou avec tons les deux simulta- n~ment ou successivement. La lysog6nisation du BSS par le ~D est toujours accompagn6e par la r6pression de l'h6molysine fl et d'une augmentation de la production de la staphylokinase. Puisque 6galement routes Ies colo- nies/3- de la culture secondaire du BSS dans l'exp6rience de lysog6nisation avec le ~bD se sont av6r6es lysog~nes pour le ~bD, il s'agit d'une conversion. La synth~se de l'h6molysine 6 n'est pas affect6e par le ~bD. Par contre, la lysog6nisation du BSS par le phage ~bRE peut 8tre accolnpagn6e ~ basse fr6quence (< 1/500) de la perte de l'h6molysine ~. Le phage ~RE ~ 1%tat de prophage dans la souche BSS n'influence pas la synthgse de l'h6moly- sine /~. L'ordre de lysog6nisation avec les ~RE et ~D lors de la lysog6nisation double du B S Sne j oue pas, semble-t-il, un r61e important. Summary. The effects of double, simultaneous, or successive lysogenisation of BSS strain of S. aureus by two staphylococcal phages, both isolated from the same strain, have been studied. These phages (bRE and SD) are easily distinguished electronmicroscopically by the morphology of the virions as well as by the aspect of the plaques on the BSS. Lysogenization of t3SS by $D is always accompanied by repression of /%haemolysin (conversion), but lysogenisation by ~RE is only rarely accompanied by the loss of &haemolysin (the frequency of the phenomenon suggests a transduction). In double lysogenization of BSS strain by ~bRE and bD, the sequence of lysogenisation does not, apparently, play an important role. R. DOBARDZlC et S. SONEA D@artement de Microbiologie et d'Immunologie, Facultd de Mddecine, Universitd de Montrdal, Montrdal (Qudbee, Canada), 76 mars 7970. i Subventionn~ par le Conseil des Reeherches M~dicales du Canada. 2 j. E. BLAIRet M. CARR,J. Baet. 82, 984 (1961). 3 j. WAART,K. C. WINKLER et C. GROOTSEN, Nature 50, 320 (1962). 4 R. DOBARDZlC, Th~se prdsent6e ~ l'Universit6 de Montr6al (1968). 5 Souches de S. aureus isol~es &l'H6pital Ste-Justine, Montr6al, et gracieusement offertes par Ie Prof. B. MARTINEAU. 6 R. DOBARDZle,S. SONEAet J. R. C6Ts Revue can. Biol. 29, 1 (1970). 7 p. NICOLLE, dans Traitd de Biologic appliqude (Ed. H. R. OLIVER; Maloine, Paris 1963), tome II, p. 401. s Plaque Forming Unit. 9 D. ]~. BRADLEY, Baet. Rev. 37, 230 (1967). A Comparison of the Development of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis Larvae of Various Ages Intro- duced Orally and Subcutaneously into Laboratory Rats In recent years some attention has been focused upon postembryonic development and behaviour of Nippo- strongylus brasiliensis in laboratory rat. Host age, sex and immunity are a few experimental approaches employed to understand fully the mechanisms involved in the development of the parasite and its effect on the host (CHANDLER1,2; TWOHY~, 4 and HALEu and CLIF- FORD5). SIMAREN 6 and SIMAREN and FABIANEK 7 using a single strain age reported that migration and develop- ment of N@postrongylus larvae into adult worms was higher in the s.c. infected rats, and progressively grew smaller in the i.v., i.p. and orally infected rats. So far, no published data on the comparison of growth of the different stages of Nippostrongylus larvae introduced orally and s.c. into a single strain of rats. This report emphasizes the differences that occured between the various I~/rval stages used, their efficiency and the effect of quantified infectivity of those stages in rats. Materials and methods. The strain of N. brasiliensis used has be_en maintained for 2 years through a hi-weekly transfer to albino rats in the Parasitology laboratory at the University, of lie (Ile-Ife). The techniques used to culture the larvae, maintain stock of infections, inoculated experimental animals and recover adult worms were modified after that of YOKOGAWAs and HALEY 9. The cultures were kept in a fly-proof cabinet in an air- conditioned room (temperature 23-37~ Larvae from 6-, 9-, and 12-day-old cultures were.isolated, concentrated by low speed centrifugation and washed 4-5 times with 0.85% NaC1. 6-7-week-old laboratory bred albino rats completely free of parasites were infected, each receiving 800 larvae quantitatively determined with a disecting binocular microscope. All inoculated rats were kept in individual cages to avoid contamination. Three experiments of s.c. infection were performed by injecting rats near the posterior neck region beneath the

A comparison of the development ofNippostrongylus brasiliensis larvae of various ages introduced orally and subcutaneously into laboratory rats

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Page 1: A comparison of the development ofNippostrongylus brasiliensis larvae of various ages introduced orally and subcutaneously into laboratory rats

15.9. 1970 Speclalla 1023

avec le phage q~D est toujours accompagn6e par la r@res- sion de l 'h6molysine/5 (conversion).

Les phages ~ R E et ~D ont ~t6 isol6s de la souche B S O N de S. aureus qui est coagulase-posi t ive et induct ible par la mi tomyc ine ou par Ies rayons ul t raviolets" . Ces phages donnent deux types dif%rents de plages sur la couche cont inue de la cul ture de la souche BSS, ensemenc6e d i rec tement sur la g61ose B H I (Brain Hea r t Infusion, Difco). Le phage $D donne une plage de 1/2 m m de dia- m~tre, ronde, avec une cul ture secondaire au centre macroscop iquement visible. L ' au t re t ype de plage, appro- x i m a t i v e m e n t deux fois moins grande, ronde, plus claire et d @ o u r v u e d ' u n centre opaque, correspond au phage ~RE

Les phages en clone pur ont 6t~ isol6s par la m6thode reeommand6e par NICOLLE 7, 16ggrement modifi6e. Pour 8tre certains d ' avo i r entre les mains le phage de lign6e pure, nous avons op6r6 trois pr618vements successifs /~ par t i r d ' un m~me type de plage bien s@a%e. Par la m~me occasion, nous avons compar~ le hombre to ta l de P F U s d 'une plage 5~ centre lysog~ne avec celui d 'nne plage claire. Une plage du phage ~ R E donne l0 s P F U , a p p r o x i m a t i v e m e n t deux Iois plus qu 'une plage X centre opaque.

Le phage de Iign6e pure a 6t6 r6g6n6r6 sur les BSS. La propagat ion sur mil ieu solide donne un lysat phagique d 'un t i t re plus 61ev6 (~RE > 10 xx P F U / m l , ~bD > 10 ~0 P F U / m l ) que celni obtenu lors de la propagat ion en milieu liquide. L '6 tude en microscopic 61ectronique de ces pr6parat ions phagiques purifi6es par centr i fugat ion diff6rentielle" a montr6 que le vir ion le plus grand, tSte ovale, queue rigide, p laque te rminale massive de lysat phagique ~bRD (r6f. ~, F igure 2) correspond 5. la plage claire d @ o u r v u e d 'un centre opaque, e t que le phage Ie moins grand possgdant une t~te poly6drique et une queue d61icate et f lexible correspond /~ la plage avec centre lysog6ne.

I1 est possible de lysog6niser la souche B S S avec cha- cun de ces phages 5, pa r t ou avec tons les deux s imulta- n~ment ou successivement. La lysog6nisation du B S S par le ~D est toujours accompagn6e par la r6pression de l 'h6molysine fl et d 'une augmen ta t ion de la product ion de la s taphylokinase. Puisque 6galement routes Ies colo- nies/3- de la cul ture secondaire du B S S dans l 'exp6rience

de lysog6nisation avec le ~bD se sont av6r6es lysog~nes pour le ~bD, il s 'agi t d 'une conversion. La synth~se de l 'h6molysine 6 n 'es t pas affect6e par le ~bD. Par contre, la lysog6nisation du B S S par le phage ~bRE peu t 8tre accolnpagn6e ~ basse fr6quence (< 1/500) de la per te de l 'h6molysine ~. Le phage ~ R E ~ 1%tat de prophage dans la souche BSS n ' inf luence pas la synthgse de l 'h6moly- sine /~. L 'ordre de lysog6nisation avec les ~ R E et ~D lors de la lysog6nisation double du B S Sne j oue pas, semble-t-il , un r61e impor tan t .

Summary. The effects of double, s imultaneous, or successive lysogenisation of B S S strain of S. aureus by two s taphylococcal phages, bo th isolated from the same strain, have been studied. These phages ( b R E and SD) are easily dist inguished electronmicroscopical ly by the morphology of the vir ions as well as by the aspect of the plaques on the BSS. Lysogenizat ion of t3SS by $D is always accompanied by repression of /%haemolysin (conversion), bu t lysogenisat ion by ~ R E is only rare ly accompanied by the loss of &haemolys in (the f requency of the phenomenon suggests a t ransduct ion) . In double lysogenizat ion of B S S strain by ~bRE and bD, the sequence of lysogenisation does not, apparent ly , p lay an impor t an t role.


D@artement de Microbiologie et d'Immunologie, Facultd de Mddecine, Universitd de Montrdal, Montrdal (Qudbee, Canada), 76 mars 7970.

i Subventionn~ par le Conseil des Reeherches M~dicales du Canada. 2 j . E. BLAIR et M. CARR, J. Baet. 82, 984 (1961). 3 j . WAART, K. C. WINKLER et C. GROOTSEN, Nature 50, 320 (1962). 4 R. DOBARDZlC, Th~se prdsent6e ~ l'Universit6 de Montr6al (1968). 5 Souches de S. aureus isol~es & l'H6pital Ste-Justine, Montr6al, et

gracieusement offertes par Ie Prof. B. MARTINEAU. 6 R. DOBARDZle, S. SONEA et J. R. C6Ts Revue can. Biol. 29, 1

(1970). 7 p. NICOLLE, dans Traitd de Biologic appliqude (Ed. H. R. OLIVER;

Maloine, Paris 1963), tome II , p. 401. s Plaque Forming Unit. 9 D. ]~. BRADLEY, Baet. Rev. 37, 230 (1967).

A Comparison of the Development of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis Larvae of Various Ages Intro- duced Orally and Subcutaneously into Laboratory Rats

In recent years some a t t en t ion has been focused upon pos tembryonic deve lopment and behaviour of Nippo- strongylus brasiliensis in l abora to ry rat . Hos t age, sex and i m m u n i t y are a few exper imenta l approaches employed to unders tand fully the mechanisms involved in the deve lopment of the parasi te and its effect on the host (CHANDLER1,2; TWOHY~, 4 and HALEu and CLIF- FORD5). SIMAREN 6 and SIMAREN and FABIANEK 7 using a single strain age reported that migration and develop- ment of N@postrongylus la rvae into adul t worms was higher in the s.c. infected rats, and progressively grew smaller in the i.v., i.p. and oral ly infected rats. So far, no published da ta on the comparison of growth of the different stages of Nippostrongylus larvae in t roduced oral ly and s.c. into a single strain of rats. This repor t emphasizes the differences tha t occured be tween the var ious I~/rval stages used, the i r efficiency and the effect of quant i f ied in fec t iv i ty of those stages in rats.

Materials and methods. The strain of N. brasiliensis used has be_en main ta ined for 2 years th rough a hi-weekly t ransfer to albino rats in the Paras i to logy labora tory at the Univers i ty , of l i e (Ile-Ife). The techniques used to cul ture the larvae, main ta in stock of infections, inoculated exper imenta l animals and recover adul t worms were modif ied af ter t ha t of YOKOGAWA s and HALEY 9. The cultures were kep t in a f ly-proof cabinet in an air- condi t ioned room ( temperature 23-37~ Larvae f rom 6-, 9-, and 12-day-old cultures were.isolated, concent ra ted by low speed centr i fugat ion and washed 4-5 t imes wi th 0.85% NaC1. 6-7-week-old l abora to ry bred albino rats comple te ly free of parasi tes were infected, each receiving 800 larvae quan t i t a t i ve ly de termined wi th a disecting binocular microscope. All inoculated rats were kept in individual cages to avoid contaminat ion .

Three exper iments of s.c. infection were performed by inject ing rats near the poster ior neck region benea th the

Page 2: A comparison of the development ofNippostrongylus brasiliensis larvae of various ages introduced orally and subcutaneously into laboratory rats

1024 Specialia EXPERIENTIA 26/9

skin. The f i rs t 6 r a t s in jec ted 800 6-day-old l a rvae serves as t h e s t a n d a r d con t ro l ; a second set of 6 r a t s w i t h 800 9-day-old l a rvae a n d a t h i r d w i t h 800 12-day-old la rvae . For oral in fec t ion 3 s imi la r e x p e r i m e n t s were car r ied ou t b y i n t roduc ing t he l a rvae in to t he s t o m a c h of each r a t d i rec t ly f rom a smal l syr inge w i t h o u t t he need. This was followed b y giving t h e r a t s a few drops of w a t e r to ascer- t a i n t h a t all l a rvae g iven were swallowed. T he n u m b e r of eggs passed da i ly for 15 days f rom every 24 h fecal col lect ion was d e t e r m i n e d b y a mod i f i ca t ion of STOLL'S ~0 d i lu t ion egg-count m e t hod . Some r a t s f rom each experi- m e n t were s t a rved o v e r n i g h t w i t h t i le excep t ion of w a t e r p r io r to nec ropsy to r e m o v e e x t r a n e o u s mate r ia l s , p e r m i t c leaner a n d easier e x a m i n a t i o n , col lect ion a n d c o u n t i n g of adu l t worms in t he in tes t ine . T he hea r t , t r achea ,

~ 1 1 10

~ 9

~ 7 ~ 6

~ 5 #



5 6 7 8 9 1l] 11 lZ 1~ 1L~ 15 l)ays after intoctioi

Fig. 1. Comparative egg count curves on rats infected s.c. and orally with 6-day-old larvae of 800 N. brasiliensis. O--O, s.c. route;

, oral route.

s 8 7

= 5 2 :o 5


= 1 ~- 0

5 6 7 8 9 18 11 lZ 15 14 15

Days after inlecl]on Fig. 2. Comparative egg count curves on rats infected s.c. and orally with %day-old larvae of 800 N. brasiliemis. �9169 s.c. route; - - - , oral route.

7 ~ > " 6

2 ~ 3

N 2

0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lZ 15 1~ 15 bays after in1~:t]or]

Fig. 3. Comparative egg count curves on rats infected s.c. and orally with 12-day-old larvae of 800 N. brasiliensis. �9169 s.c. route; - - - , oral route.

lungs, and a b d o m i n a l cav i t ies were checked for worms. The l e n g t h of ma le and female worms recovered f rom t h e e x p e r i m e n t s were m e a s u r e d and compared .

Results and discussion. The course of in fec t ion was followed b y da i ly egg count , p a t e n t a n d p r e p a t e n t per iod of t he w o r m deve lopmen t , w o r m count , size a n d r ange of recovered worms, and pe rcen t age of l a rvae r each ing adu l thood . I n t he s.c. a n d oral exper imen t s , all r a t s infec ted showed s imi la r p r e p a t e n t per iod of 6 days regard- less of t he va r i ed age. The s.c. in fec ted ra t s i nd ica t ed a p a t e n t pe r iod of t i le 6 th to 15 th day while those oral ly inocu la t ed e x t e n d e d to t i le 12 th day. R a t s in fec ted s.c. a n d oral ly w i t h 6-day-old l a rvae revea led t he i r egg p r o d u c t i o n p e a k on t he 9 th day pos t infect ion. De layed p e a k ill o the r groups in fec ted w i t h 9- and 12-day-old l a rvae a p p e a r e d on t he 11 th to 13 th day. The t o t a l n u m b e r of eggs passed t h r o u g h o u t t he p a t e n t pe r iod were 54,922; 47,522, a n d 28,634 for t he 6-, 9- a n d 12-day- old l a rvae in t he s.c. infect ion. Fo r oral infect ion, 1529; 1417 a n d 3189 eggs were p roduced for t he 6-, 9- a nd 12-day-old la rvae .

More female t h a n male worms were recovered f rom s.c. in fec t ions (260, 186, and 129 wdrms for 6-, 9- a n d 12-day- old larvae) c o m p a r e d w i t h 3, 2 a n d 2 worms in oral in fec t ion for s imi la r l a rva l age. M e a s u r e m e n t s of recovered a d u l t worms f rom the s.c. and oral e x p e r i m e n t s were 2 . 4 9 - 4 . 0 6 m m (male length) a n d 4 . 0 6 - 5 . 2 m m (female length) . S ign i f i can t differences occur r ing in egg produc- t i on and t he n u m b e r of m a t u r e d pa ras i t e s recovered f rom the in t e s t ine cor re la te w i t h t h e increase of l a rva l age used in t h e inves t iga t ion . The reduced t o t a l egg o u t p u t a n d w o r m coun t s s t r ik ing ly ind ica te a decrease in in fec t iv i ty w i t h a co r r e spond ing increase in l a rva l age. This conf i rms a para l l e l r epo r t for Necator americanus in man (PAYt~11), Haemonchus contortus (ROGER 12) a n d Ascaridia galli (ELLIOT 13) and suggests t h a t t he deffi- c iency in d e v e l o p m e n t m i g h t be due to a slow bu i l t up of an acqu i red i m m u n i t y b y t he hos t to t h i s paras i te . The c o m p a r a t i v e egg c o u n t curves (Figures 1, 2 and 3) s imi la r ly s u p p o r t t h e differences in t he eff iciency of t he in fec t ive la rvae . However , these resu l t s p rov ide new and useful i n f o r m a t i o n on t he necess i ty of a specific rou te of migra t ion , age of l a rvae and deve lopmen t .

Rdsumd. Chaque r a t infect6 res 800 la rves e t la t o t a - l i t6 des ceufs p r o d u i t s c h a q u e jour dans les r a t s infect6s p a r voie sous-cu tan6e ru t plus g r a n d e que lors d ' u n e in fec t ion �9 D a n s rou tes les infec t ions �9 et sous- cutan6es, la p r o d u c t i o n des ceufs et le n o m b r e des vers a l la en d i m i n u a n t , ma i s l 'gge des la rves a u g m e n t a . Ni les voles d ' in fec t ion , ni l'&ge des la rves n 'a f fec t&rent la longueur des vers adu l tes q u ' o n rgcup6ra.

J . O . S IMAREN and O. A. O G U N K O Y A

Department o/ Biological Sciences, University o / l i e , I le-I/e (Nigeria), 7 September 7959.

1 A. C. CHANDLER, Am. J. t-lyg. 2d, 129 (1936). 2 A. C. CHANDLER, Am. J. Hyg. 25, 309 (1937). 8 D. W. Two}ty, J. Parasit. (Suppl.) 41, 49 (1955). 4 D. W. TWOHY, Am. J. Hyg. 63, 165 (1956). 5 A. J. HALEY and C. M. CLIFFORD, J. Parasit. d6, 579 (1960).

J. O. SIMAREN, Proe. helminth. Soc. Wash. 31, 281 (1964). J. O. SIMAREN and J. FABIANEK, Physiologist 10, 306 (1967).

s S. YOKOGAWA, Parasitology 74, 127 (1922). A. J. HALEY, Am. J. Hyg. 67, 331 (1958).

10 N. R. STOLE, J. Parasit. 9, 236 (1923). 11 F. K. PAYNE, Am. J. Hyg. 3, 584 (1923). n W. P. ROGERS, J. Helminth. 78, 183 (1940). is A. ]~LLIOTT, Expl. Parasit. 3, 307 (1954).