Tetrahedron Letters,Vo1.30,No.34,pp 4527-4530,1989 oo40-4039/89 $3.00 + .OO Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc AN ENANTIOSPECIFIC SYNTHESIS OF POLYOXAMIC ACID FROM L-ARABINOSE A. Dur&ault:F. Carreaux, J.C. Depezay Unlversltd Rend Descartes, UA 400 du CNRS, Laboratoire de Chlmle et Blochimle Pharmacologiques et Toxiciologlques, 45 rue des Saints-PBres, 75006 PARIS. m : Polyoxamic acid , 2-amino-2-deoxy-L-xylonic acid, is synthetized by thiophenoxide opening of a five-carbon chiral hydroxylated aziridine easily derived from L-arabinose. The formation of the carboxy group resulted lrom a Pummerer reaction. Polyoxins belong to a group of antifungal antibiotics produced by certain species of Streotomyces, which inhibit the chitin synthetase of a variety of phytopathogenic fungi(l). Recent studies suggest that these compounds (or their analogues) may also be therapeutically useful against Candida a fungal pathogen which affects humans(2). Polyoxins all incorporate a non-proteinic amino acid, polyoxamic acid 1. The unusual polyhydroxy a-amino acid 1 is coupled in polyoxins by a peptide linkage to one of several related nucleoside moieties. COOH Hz Y-0 H Ii % H,O H POLYOXINS POLYOXAMIC ACID Different chemical syntheses of polyoxamic acid have been proposed, most of them relying on carbohydrates as chiral building blacks(3) ; recently a stereoselective synthesis starting from D-serine was also reported(4). We now report a rapid, enantiospecilic synthesis of polyoxamic acid 1, and more usefully of the derivative 8 suitably protected for peptide coupling, from the easily available pentose : L-arabinose. 4527

An enantiospecific synthesis of polyoxamic acid from L-arabinose

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Page 1: An enantiospecific synthesis of polyoxamic acid from L-arabinose

Tetrahedron Letters,Vo1.30,No.34,pp 4527-4530,1989 oo40-4039/89 $3.00 + .OO Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc


A. Dur&ault:F. Carreaux, J.C. Depezay

Unlversltd Rend Descartes, UA 400 du CNRS,

Laboratoire de Chlmle et Blochimle Pharmacologiques et Toxiciologlques,

45 rue des Saints-PBres, 75006 PARIS.

m : Polyoxamic acid , 2-amino-2-deoxy-L-xylonic acid, is synthetized by thiophenoxide opening of a five-carbon chiral hydroxylated aziridine easily derived from L-arabinose. The formation of the carboxy group resulted lrom a Pummerer reaction.

Polyoxins belong to a group of antifungal antibiotics produced by certain species of Streotomyces, which inhibit

the chitin synthetase of a variety of phytopathogenic fungi(l). Recent studies suggest that these compounds (or their

analogues) may also be therapeutically useful against Candida a fungal pathogen which affects humans(2).

Polyoxins all incorporate a non-proteinic amino acid, polyoxamic acid 1. The unusual polyhydroxy a-amino acid 1 is

coupled in polyoxins by a peptide linkage to one of several related nucleoside moieties.


Hz Y-0 H Ii

% H,O H


Different chemical syntheses of polyoxamic acid have been proposed, most of them relying on carbohydrates as

chiral building blacks(3) ; recently a stereoselective synthesis starting from D-serine was also reported(4). We now report

a rapid, enantiospecilic synthesis of polyoxamic acid 1, and more usefully of the derivative 8 suitably protected for peptide

coupling, from the easily available pentose : L-arabinose.


Page 2: An enantiospecific synthesis of polyoxamic acid from L-arabinose


Chiral functionalized azitidines are useful aminoalkylating intermediates for the synthesis of enantiomerlcally pure

amino derivatives. We have recently reported a systematic study of the nucleophilic opening of chiral bis-aziridines

synthetized from D-mannitol(5). This suggested that the conveniently protected aziridine 3 , prepared from L-arabinose,

could constitute a m precursor of polyoxamic acid 1.





Et S+SEt

z = COO CH,Ph









The three chiral centers of polyoxamic acid 1 are already in place in the aziridine 3 (c-4, c-3, c-2) with the fight

configuration. The key step of the synthesis in our strategy is the nucleophilic thiophenoxide opening of the azirfdine ring

followed by a Pummerer reaction, allowing the formation of a carboxy group at C-5 of 3.

Aziridine 9 was obtained with 18% overall yield starting from L-arabinose by nitrogen introduction with

configuration inversion at C-4 of the starting pentose.

L-arabinose was converted in five steps into the azido alcohol z@) , [a]~ - 88” (C 3, CH30H)(7) by standard

methods(*) in 28% overall yield. Reductive ring closure of 2 by ttiphenylphosphine led to the N-H azirldine which was

protected as its N-benzyloxycatbonyl derivative 9 , [alo + 6O (G 1, CH2 Clp); such a protective group activates the aziridine

ring toward nucleophilic opening and is convenient for peptide synthesis.

Nucleophilic opening of 3 was performed by sodium thiophenoxide in 75% yield ; thioacetal hydrolysis of the

resulting sulfide 4 , [Cf]D - 19” (C 1.7, CH2Cl2) effected by I2 , followed by reduction at C-l with Na BH4 and SilylatiOn Of

the resulting alcohol, led to the completely and selectively protected sulfide 5 in 54% overall yield from 3. Compound 5.

was oxidized with MCPBA in 85% yield in sulfoxide 6 , which was in turn converted into a diastereomeric mixture of

acetoxy sulfides Z by a Pummerer rearrangement performed in Ac20 I (CF3CO)2O / NaOAc at 20°C(‘). We could convert

the acetoxy sulfldes z into the protected polyoxamic acid S wilhout any epimetization at C-4 by complete reduction of L

(using Na l3-l~) follower by Ru Cl3 oxidation of the resulting alcohol in acid 8. (lo) 3 [UID - 21°(C 1.3, CH2C12).

Hydrogenolytic removal 01 the Z protecting group of g followed by aqueous trifluoracetic acid hYdrolYsis gave, after

purilication by ion exchange chromatography, polyoxamic acid 1 , [a]D + 3’ (C l., H20) ; [C&65 + 22” (c f t H20)

[lit + 2.8” and + 23”. respectively( 11)~ Enantiomerically pure polyoxamic acid 1 was thus obtained in 26% overall yield

starting from azitidine 3.

Page 3: An enantiospecific synthesis of polyoxamic acid from L-arabinose


(a) ref 8 ; (b) T&I, Py, -5’C, 4h, 75% ; (c) NaN3, DMF, 65X, 4h (80%) ; (d) PPh3, toluene, lOO”C, 45 min. ;

(e) PhCH2OCOCI, N Et3, CH2CI2, r.t., 2h, (65% from 2) ; (f)PhSH, NaH, THF, r.t., 4h (75%) ; (g) 12, NaHC03, acelone-

H20, r.t., 48h ; (h) NaBH4, MeOH, O”C, 3h ; (i) t-BuPhpSGI, Imidazole, DMF, r.t. (72% from*) ; (j) MCPBA, CH2Cl2, OOC,

lh30 (87%) ; (k) Ac20, (CF3CO)2O, NaOAc, 2,6-lutidine. r.t., 4h ; (I) NaBH4. EtOH, O”C, 2h ; (m) RuC13.3H20, Nal04.

CCl4-CH3CN-H20, r.t., 2h (59% from @) ; (n) H2,1O%Pd/C, MeOH ; (0) CF3COOH-H20 (9 : l), r.t., lOh, then Dowex

SOW-X6 (94% from 81

1. For a comprehensive review of the polyoxins, see : Isono, k., Suzuki, S., &terocvc&

1979, u, 333 and references cited therein.

2. Shenbagamurthi, P.. Smith, H.A., Becker, J.M., Steinfeld, A., Naider, F., J&&d. C&m.

Page 4: An enantiospecific synthesis of polyoxamic acid from L-arabinose


3. a) Saksena, A.K., Lovey, R.G., Gitijavallabhan, V.M., Ganguly, A.K., J. CM. Chem, 1986, frl, 5024; b) Tabusa, F.,

Yamada, T., Suzuki, K., Mukaiyama, T., Chem. t&t~ 1984, 405; c) Kuzuhara, H., Kimura, M., Emoto, S.,

Carbohvdr. 1975, s, 245; d) Hirama, M., Hioki. H., 118, S., Tetrahe&of&& 1999, a, 3125.

4. Gamer, P., Park, J.M., 3. Ora. Chem. 1988, %, 2979.



a) D&auk, A., Tranchepain, I., Greek, C., Depezay, J.C., s 1987,Z. 334 : b) Dureauft. A.,

Tranchepain, I., Depezay, J.C., d. Ore. Chem, in press.

All new products gave satisfactory spectroscopical and analytical data;

7. Specific rotations were measured at 20”- 22%.

8. a) Fried, J,, Wafz, DE., J. Amer. Chem. Sot. 1949, n, 140 ; b) Zinner, H., Rembarz, G., Klbcking, H.P.,

Chem. 1957,9Q, 2688.

9. a) Tanikaga. R.. Yabuki, Y., Ono, N., Kaji, A., TetrahedronL%L 1976, 2257: b) Corey, E.J., Hoover, D.J.,

l&tL?&dronLett. 1982,X$, 3463.

10. Direct conversion of the acetoxysuffides L into aldehyde (using dibal. toluene, -78%) occurs

with partial epimerization at the a -position of 8,_ as noticed in similar cases : Adams, C.E.,

Walker, F.J.. Sharpless, K.B., J. Om. Cm. 1985, a, 422.

11. ISOnO, K., Asahi, K. and Suzuki, S.,, J.., 1969,fi, 7490.

(Received in France 20 June 1989)