BAC FAC Minutes 021014

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  • 8/12/2019 BAC FAC Minutes 021014


    District of Columbia Bicycle

    Advisory Council

    DC Bicycle Advisory Council Facilities Committee (BAC FAC)February 10, 2014Te Bier Baron!"# $ %"#

    Attendees:&eanie 'sburn BAC FAC cair

    &ameel Alsalam ard 4 BAC re*teve *eeli+ ard resident#i-e .oodno District Deartment of Transortation (DD'T)Daniel Clar- District Deartment of Transortation (DD'T)/andal #yers Atar+e (Catania) BAC reresentative

    Andrea Adleman BAC *afety Committee Cairri- 3u+ler Atar+e (.rosso) BAC reresentative

    Action Items:#i-e .oodno Contact 3risten olben re+ardin+ rus our access to #etrorail forbicycles

    &eanie 'sburn *end a follo5u letter to #ayor .ray and DD'T re+ardin+ on+oin+issues 5it maintenance of bicycle and side5al- infrastructure6 A letter 5as reviouslytransmitted last year, o5ever, tere 5as no formal resonse6

    *teve *eeli+ Contact oter bicyclin+ or+ani7ations to suort allo5in+ bi-es on#etrorail at rus our8 5rite u otential ilot ro+rams6

    All ncoura+e bicyclists to reort bi-e facilities maintenance issues to te #ayor9s*ervice /e:uest Center 'nlineor by one (11) and te District9s Deartment of"ublic or-s, 5ic as been more resonsive on social media li-e T5itter (;DCD")

    Agenda:1) #aintenance of bi-e facilities< articularly removal of sno5, sand=+rit and eriodic

    reairs2) 201 scorecard (bi-e lanes, connections, ne5 ro>ects, ro+ress on e?istin+

    ro>ects)) DD'T9s lans for 2014 (bi-e lanes and oter ro>ects)4) "otential rides for 20146

  • 8/12/2019 BAC FAC Minutes 021014


    @) /evie5 #oveDC Transortation lan!) Access for bicycles at rus our on #etrorail

    1) Tere is still some confusion as to 5at a+ency is resonsible for te maintenanceof bi-e facilities6 BAC FAC 5rote to #ayor .ray last year to re:uest tat e clarify

    te resonsible a+encies so tat residence can reort roblems6 As of tis meetin+,te #ayor did not resond to tat letter6 Te BAC FAC cair 5ill 5rite a follo5ure:uest for a resonse6

    #ean5ile, #i-e tou+t tat D" 5as resonsible for removin+ sno5 ands5eein+ detritus off bi-e facilities, and tat DD'T is resonsible for trimmin+ bac-over+ro5t and ma-in+ reairs6 #i-e indicated tat D" stru++les 5it sno5removal from travel lanes, too6 D" may be comlaintdriven so te conclusion istat bicyclists sould eiter contact te #ayor9s call line (11) or use D"9s t5itterfeed, ;DCD" to comlain about needed maintenance6

    2) For te 201 scorecard, te +rou revie5ed te BAC FAC rides done since record-eein+ be+an in 200!6 'verall te ran-in+ 5as rou+ly a C6 Tere are some verybri+t sots ( *treet) tat are met 5it counterbalancin+ ne+ative scores (*outCaitol *treet trail, #etroolitan Branc Trail (#BT), east=5est connectivity acrosste Anacostia /iver )6 #ore recent rides ave ad less time for action, and tat5ei+s in to te scorin+6

    Belo5 are te rides revie5edects6

    #i-e rovided us recommendations from te DC Bicycle #aster "lan (200@) andDD'T +oals as 5ell as a ro+ress reort from Eelson Ey+aard6 Te 2011 +oal of100 miles of bi-e routes is no5 at %4 miles comlete6 DD'T as e?ceeded te @0mile +oal of bi-e lanes by 10 miles6 ile DD'T as more tan doubled tenumber of bi-e rac-s installed over teir +oal (1000 +oal=2@0 installed), te needfor bi-e rac-s far outstris DD'Ts +oals and aarent ability to install6

    Te District as included a bi-e ar-in+ re:uirement for ne5 buildin+s6 Brid+eaccommodation for bicyclists is still lac-in+ and=or dan+erous on most brid+es andstill need imrovements6 BAC FAC believes tat te current 5or-load for te currentbicycle ro+ram staff is too i+ if it lans to ma-e si+nificant ro+ress on bicycle

    imrovements6 n terms of lannin+ and olicy, it still aears tat te Bi-e="edoffice is left out of te lannin+ loo in many critical ro>ects at DD'T6 Constantvi+ilance is needed to ma-e bicycle lannin+ art of DD'T9s overall rocess6

    ) DDOTs planned bikeways. #i-e brou+t a list of bi-e lanes DD'T as lannedfor 20146 Tere are about ! miles of bi-e lanes=sarro5s tat are ready to +o(a5aitin+ 5eater) and nearly miles in desi+n6 'ver 4 miles of bi-elanes=sarro5s need outreac, and about 2 miles of nei+borood bi-e5ays areready to +o6 f all te bi-e lanes=sarro5s=bi-e5ays=cycletrac-s on te list 5ere tobe comleted in 2014, tat 5ould add almost 1 miles of bicycle accommodation in20146

    Te +rou added 11t*treet bet5een Hermont and Florida to te list6 e alsodiscussed sarro5 mar-in+s bein+ too far to te ri+t in some laces, articularly11t*t6 suc tat motorists may mista-enly +et te idea tat bicyclists are notallo5ed to be in te lane, but rater must ride far to te ri+t6

    4) MoveDC Map6 oo-in+ at te #oveDC ma, otential rides for 2014 include