716 Specialia EXPERIENTIA X X I I / l l Conclusions. Dens les races C57B1, CBA, BALB/C et RF nous avions obtenu 2, apr~s 400 R, 7,5% des cellules pr6sentant des r6arrangements chromosomiques. Avec 6% de translocations, les spermatogonies des souris de race AKR/Tr. semblent doric manifester une radiosensi- bilit6 assez voisine. S'il est impossible de d6terminer avec exactitude la part prise dens ces remaniements par les chromosomes m6tacentriques, on peut cependant remar- quer que les bivalents m6tacentriques manquent dens 21 cellules, sans qu'il soit possible de conclure si les 2 chro- mosomes m6tacentriques ont donn6 4 acrocentriques ou s'ils interviennent dans les autres configurations observ6es dens ces cellules 4. Summary. A spontaneous translocated strain of mice (AKR/Tr.) with 36 acrocentric and 2 metacentric chromo- somes received 400 R of whole-body X-irradiation. Cyto- logical examination of dividing primary spermatocytes at the diakinesis-first metaphase stage of meiosis showed 6% of cells with chromosomal rearrangements. A. LI~ONARD et Gm DEKNUDT Laboratoire de Gdndtique, D@artement de Radiobiologie, Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucldaire, Mol (Belgique), 6 ]uillet 7966. 4 Ce travail entre dans le cadre du contrat EURATOM/C.E.N. N ~ 053-64-3-BIOB eta pu ~tre effectu6 grfice aux subsides du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Fondamentale Collective. Histotopochemistry of Ascorbic Acid during the Formation of Carrageenin Granuloma It has been proved in many biochemical experiments that ascorbic acid plays an important part not only in preserving collagen but especially in the biosynthesis of collagen in a newly-formed connective tissue. The ques- tion of topographic connection of ascorbic acid to the individual components of the connective tissue, however, is not yet quite clear. Thus, for example. ~MUCHALOV~I and CHVAPIL 1 have found out that there exists a close correlation between the amount of ascorbic acid and the newly-formed collagen during the formation of carra- geenin granuloma. They have not found, however, any connection between the number of cells (DNA) and the content of ascorbic acid in the granulation tissue, as proved earlier by WOESSNER and I~OUCEK 2 for a granu- loma formed around an implanted small polyvinyl sponge. In the present work an attempt at histotopochemistry of ascorbic acid during the formation of carrageenin granuloma has been made. Method. In guinea-pigs (males weighing 250-300 g) carrageenin granuloma in the abdominal region was pro- voked by a subcutaneous injection of 5 ml 1% carra- geenin solution in 0.9% NaC1 to which penicillin (100 IU/ml) and streptomycin (100 /~g/ml) were added. The tissue was withdrawn 2, 4, 7, 9 and 13 days after the injection of carrageenin solution. Very small samples of the granuloma tissue (ca. 2. 2. 2 ram) were treated after GIROUD and LEBLOND (LIPP3). The samples were imbedded in paraffin and cut into 5 # thick slices. Some of the slices were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Results. The tissue beneath the skin of the guinea-pig is very edematous 2-4 days after the application of car- rageenin; isolated erythrocytes, polynuclear leucocytes and cells of histiocytic character can be observed. The intercellular substance shows fine granules, in some places the original collagen fibres of loose connective tissue are preserved. No black granules of reduced silver can be seen, which signifies that ascorbic acid is not present in the tissues, or, if present, its level is below the critical amount that can be proved by this method (Figure 1). In preparations of a 7-day-old granuloma we can ob- serve numerous very large cells of fibroblastic character. Their cytoplasm contains small granules of silver. Such granules can also be observed in the close vicinity of fibroblast cytoplasm, in the fibrous collagen structure. Sometimes it is impossible to determine exactly the boundary line between the spindle-shaped cytoplasm and the fibrous structure. In preparations of 9- and 13-day-old carrageenin granuloma we can also observe numerous spindle-shaped elongated fibroblasts whose cytoplasm contains numerous silver granules, indicating the presence of ascorbic acid. Such granules are also visible in the undulated outline of projections of fibroblasts which gradually change into a fibrous structure (Figure 2). Discussion and conclusions. Histochemical evidence of ascorbic acid during the formation of carrageenin granu- loma practically corresponds to biochemical findings. Fig. 1. Carrageenin granuloma 4 days after s.c. injection of carra- geenin. The level of ascorbic acid is very low, no metallic granules of reduced silver have formed. 1 B. CMUCHALOV~and M. CHVAPIL, Pracovni 16ka~stvi (Praha) 15, 196 (1963). 2 j. ]2. WOESSNER JR. and R. J. BOUCEK, Arch. Biochem. 93, 85 (1961). a W. LIPP, Histochemische Methoden (Oldenburg, Mfinchen 1954), Lief. V.

Histotopochemistry of ascorbic acid during the formation of carrageenin granuloma

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716 Specialia EXPERIENTIA X X I I / l l

Conclusions. Dens les races C57B1, CBA, B A L B / C e t R F nous av ions o b t e n u 2, apr~s 400 R, 7,5% des cellules p r 6 s e n t a n t des r 6 a r r a n g e m e n t s ch romosomiques . Avec 6 % de t rans loca t ions , les spe rma togon ie s des souris de race A K R / T r . s e m b l e n t doric m a n i f e s t e r une radiosensi - bil i t6 assez voisine. S' i l es t imposs ib le de d 6 t e r m i n e r avec e x a c t i t u d e la p a r t pr ise dens ces r e m a n i e m e n t s p a r les ch romosomes m6tacen t r iques , on p e u t c e p e n d a n t r e m a r - que r que les b i v a l e n t s m 6 t a c e n t r i q u e s m a n q u e n t dens 21 cellules, sans qu ' i l soi t possible de conclure si les 2 chro- mosomes m 6 t a c e n t r i q u e s on t donn6 4 ac rocen t r iques ou s ' i ls i n t e r v i e n n e n t dans les au t r e s conf igura t ions observ6es dens ces cellules 4.

Summary. A s p o n t a n e o u s t r a n s l o c a t e d s t r a i n of mice (AKR/Tr . ) w i th 36 ac rocen t r i c a n d 2 m e t a c e n t r i c ch romo-

somes rece ived 400 R of who le -body X- i r r ad ia t ion . Cyto- logical e x a m i n a t i o n of d iv id ing p r i m a r y s p e r m a t o c y t e s a t t h e d iakines is - f i r s t m e t a p h a s e s tage of meiosis showed 6% of cells w i t h c h r o m o s o m a l r e a r r an g emen t s .


Laboratoire de Gdndtique, D@artement de Radiobiologie, Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucldaire, Mol (Belgique), 6 ]uillet 7966.

4 Ce travail entre dans le cadre du contrat EURATOM/C.E.N. N ~ 053-64-3-BIOB e t a pu ~tre effectu6 grfice aux subsides du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Fondamentale Collective.

Histotopochemistry of Ascorbic Acid during the Formation of Carrageenin Granuloma

I t has been p r o v e d in m a n y b iochemica l expe r imen t s t h a t ascorbic acid p lays a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t n o t on ly in p re se rv ing col lagen b u t especial ly in t he b iosyn thes i s of col lagen in a newly - fo rmed connec t ive t issue. The ques- t i on of t o p o g r a p h i c c o n n e c t i o n of ascorbic acid to t h e i n d i v i d u a l c o m p o n e n t s of t he connec t ive t issue, however , is n o t ye t qu i te clear. Thus , for example . ~MUCHALOV~I a n d CHVAPIL 1 h a v e found ou t t h a t the re exis ts a close co r re l a t ion be tween t he a m o u n t of ascorbic acid and t h e newly - fo rmed col lagen d u r i n g t he f o r m a t i o n of ca r ra - geen in g ranu loma . T h e y h a v e n o t found, however , a n y connec t ion be tween t he n u m b e r of cells (DNA) and the c o n t e n t of ascorbic acid in t he g r a n u l a t i o n tissue, as p r o v e d ear l ier b y WOESSNER a n d I~OUCEK 2 for a g ranu- l oma formed a r o u n d a n i m p l a n t e d smal l po lyv iny l sponge.

I n t he p re sen t work a n a t t e m p t a t h i s t o t o p o c h e m i s t r y of ascorbic acid d u r i n g t he f o r m a t i o n of ca r rageen in g r a n u l o m a has been made.

Method. I n guinea-pigs (males weighing 250-300 g) ca r r ageen in g r a n u l o m a in t he a b d o m i n a l region was pro- voked b y a s u b c u t a n e o u s in j ec t ion of 5 ml 1% car ra- geenin so lu t ion in 0.9% NaC1 to wh ich penici l l in (100 IU/ml ) a n d s t r e p t o m y c i n (100 /~g/ml) were added. T h e t i ssue was w i t h d r a w n 2, 4, 7, 9 a n d 13 days a f te r t h e in jec t ion of ca r r ageen in solut ion. Ve ry smal l samples of t h e g r a n u l o m a t i ssue (ca. 2 . 2 . 2 ram) were t r e a t e d a f t e r GIROUD and LEBLOND (LIPP3). The samples were i m b e d d e d in pa ra f f in and cu t in to 5 # t h i ck slices. Some of t he slices were s t a ined w i t h hematoxy l in -eos in .

Results. The t issue b e n e a t h t h e skin of t he gu inea-p ig is v e r y e d e m a t o u s 2 -4 days a f t e r t he app l i ca t ion of car- r ageen in ; i so la ted e ry th rocy te s , po lynuc l ea r leucocytes a n d cells of h i s t iocy t ic c h a r a c t e r can be observed . The in te rce l lu la r s u b s t a n c e shows fine granules , in some places t h e or ig inal collagen f ibres of loose connec t ive t issue are preserved . No b l a c k granu les of reduced s i lver can be seen, wh ich signifies t h a t ascorbic acid is no t p re sen t in t h e t issues, or, if p resen t , i t s level is be low the cr i t ica l a m o u n t t h a t can be p r o v e d b y th i s m e t h o d (Figure 1).

I n p r e p a r a t i o n s of a 7-day-old g r a n u l o m a we can ob- serve n u m e r o u s v e r y large cells of f ib roblas t ic cha rac te r . T h e i r c y t o p l a s m con ta ins smal l g ranu les of silver. Such

granules c an also be obse rved in t h e close v ic in i ty of f i b rob la s t cy top lasm, in t h e f ibrous col lagen s t ruc tu re . Some t imes i t is imposs ib le to d e t e r m i n e exac t ly t h e b o u n d a r y l ine b e t w een the sp ind le - shaped c y t o p l a s m a n d t h e f ibrous s t ruc tu re .

I n p r e p a r a t i o n s of 9- an d 13-day-old ca r r ageen in g r a n u l o m a we can also observe n u m e r o u s sp ind le - shaped e longa ted f ib rob las t s whose c y t o p l a s m con ta ins n u m e r o u s s i lver granules , i nd i ca t i ng t h e presence of ascorbic acid. Such granules are also vis ible in the u n d u l a t e d out l ine of p ro jec t ions of f ib rob las t s wh ich g r adua l l y change in to a f ibrous s t r u c t u r e (Figure 2).

Discussion and conclusions. His tochemica l ev idence of ascorbic acid du r ing t h e f o r m a t i o n of ca r rageen in g ranu- loma p rac t i ca l ly cor responds to b iochemica l f indings.

Fig. 1. Carrageenin granuloma 4 days after s.c. injection of carra- geenin. The level of ascorbic acid is very low, no metallic granules of

reduced silver have formed.

1 B. CMUCHALOV~ and M. CHVAPIL, Pracovni 16ka~stvi (Praha) 15, 196 (1963).

2 j . ]2. WOESSNER JR. and R. J. BOUCEK, Arch. Biochem. 93, 85 (1961).

a W. LIPP, Histochemische Methoden (Oldenburg, Mfinchen 1954), Lief. V.

15. XI. 1966 Specialia 717

This means t h a t a considerable increase in the a m o u n t of ascorbic acid can only be proved when the fo rma t ion of collagen s tar ts . Conversely, ascorbic acid has no t been d e m o n s t r a t e d h i s tochemica l ly in the ear ly s tages of de- v e l o p m e n t of car rageenin granuloma, a l though this does no t mean t h a t i t has no t been presen t a t all. Some small error m a y be due to insuff icient sens i t iv i ty of the tech- nique. Only wi th an accumula t ion of f ibroblas ts has the level of ascorbic acid cons iderably increased.

The f indings have conf i rmed not only our earlier obser- va t ion (BARTO~ 4) bu t also the observa t ion of KASABJAN 5 showing t h a t ascorbic acid is found main ly in tile cyto- p lasm of f ibroblas ts and /o r epi theloid cells. E x a m i n a t i o n of slices under an optic microscope has also revealed t h a t

ascorbic acid is p resen t in the per iphera l por t ions of f ibro- bIasts which, in some places, show a gradual t r ans i t ion to the f ibrous s t ruc tu res of collagen,

The f indings lead to t he conclusion t h a t dur ing the fo rmat ion of new connect ive t issue ascorbic acid is de- p e n d e n t on the presence of f ibroblas ts and /or on the young newly- fo rmed f ibrous s t ruc tu re in the closest v ic in i ty of these cells. If we accept the opinion t h a t ascorbic acid takes p a r t in the fo rma t ion of h y d r o x y p r o - line or hydroxylys ine , we m a y believe t h a t i t is in the f ibroblas ts t h a t this process takes i ts course mos t in- tensively.

Zusammen/assung. Es wird die Hi s to topochemie der AskorbinsXure im Laufe der Karagen in -Granu lombi ldung untersucht . Die Askorbins~ure ist an die F ibroblas ten , eventuel l an die junge F a s e r s t r u k t u r gebunden, die sich in einer u n m i t t e l b a r e n N~Lhe des F ib rob las ten-Cyto- p lasmas bef indet . Es wird angenommen , dass sich die Askorbins/ iure an der H y d r o x y l a t i o n yon Prol in oder Lys in beteil igt , und dass dieser Prozess am in tens ivs ten in den Fibrobtas tenze l len vor sich geht .


Institute o/ General Biology, Charles' University Medical Faculty, Hradec Birdlovd (Czechoslovakia), May 31, 1966.

Fig. 2. Carrageenin granuloma 9 days after s.c. injection of carra- geenin. The black granules in the cytoplasm of the ceils or in the collagenous structure which is being formed are not granules of

ascorbic acid but granules of reduced silver.

4 F. BARTO~, Nature (London) 20d, 1104 (1964). 5 S. S. KASABJAN, Arch. patol. (Moskva) 78, 91 (1956). 6 Acknowledgment: I should like to thank Ing. B. CMUCHALOV~ of

the laboratories of Dr. M. CHVAPIL for supplying the experimental material.

Isolat ion of Bacter iophages f rom the Bovine R u m e n

Although rumen microorganisms have been the objec t of in tens ive s tudy because of the i r role in r u m e n physio- logy 1,2, the isolat ion of bac te r iophages f rom r u m e n sources seems no t to have been described. I t is the pur- pose of th is communica t ion to po in t ou t t h a t bacter io- phages are p reva len t in the rumina of cat t le .

Whi le inves t iga t ing the survival of bac te r ia supposed ly no t na t ive to t he r u m e n 3, bac te r iophages act ive aga ins t several Serratia spp. indigenous to the r u m e n were iso- lated. Almost every sample of rumen fluid examined con- t a ined act ive bacter iophages . Hos t range s tudies 4 of these phages showed t h a t r u m e n Serratia spp. were no t sus- cept ible to phage isolated f rom soil, wa te r and sewage. The phages isolated f rom the rumen would no t lyse a n u m b e r of Serratia spp. f rom a va r i e ty of o the r sources.

W h e t h e r the Serratia spp. and phages were indigenous to the rumen or came f rom exogenous sources (drinking water , soil or feed) could no t be ascer tained. The maxi - m u m n u m b e r of Serratia spp. found in the dr inking wa te r was 20 viable cells/ml, and feed and soil were negat ive. Survival curves, ob ta ined when Serratia spp. and phages

were in t roduced into the r u m e n or inocula ted into nut r i - en t broth , ind ica ted t h a t the phages adsorbed to the ceils, bu t no increase in p laque- fo rming uni ts occurred a t 39 ~ This inhib i t ion of repl icat ion by incubat ion at e leva ted t e m p e r a t u r e s was p ro b ab l y s imilar to t h a t descr ibed b y POLLARD and WOODYATT g, which migh t indica te t h a t ne i ther the Serratia spp. nor phages were normal r u m e n inhab i tan t s . An a l t e rna t ive exp lana t ion is t h a t the phages ac t ive agains t Serratia spp. were p ropaga t ed in the r u m e n by infect ing bac te r ia closely re la ted to Serratia spp. (see reference 6). Never theless , these f indings s t imula ted a search for phages of bac te r ia more co mmo n l y associa ted wi th rumen popula t ions .

1 M. P. BRYANT, J. Anita. Sci. 22, 801 (1963). 2 R. E. HUNGATE, M. P. BRYANT, and R. A. MAH, A. Rev. Microbiol.

18, 131 (1964). a j . C. ADAMS, P. A. HARTMAN, and N. L. JACOBSON, Can. J. Micro-

biol. 12, 363 (1966). 4 j, A. GAZAWAY, unpublished data. 5 E. POLLARD and S. WOODYATT, Biophys. J. 4, 367 (1964).

H. E. PRINSLOO and J. N. COETZEE, Nature 203, 211 (1964).