Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)

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  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    Mll, Mhl hLw O Mhw H G130 W Chg T, AZ 85701


    U.S Department of Justice

    Execuive Oce r Imigrtio Review

    Board ofImmigration AppealsOce of the Cerk

    5107 leesburg P;ke, Site 2000Fa Chc Vginia 22041

    H/ICE O h Cl TP Bx 25158Phx, AZ 85002

    A 205-406702

    h 10/1/2015

    Enclosed is a copy of the Bord's decision nd order in te above-reerence case.


    Panel Members:i, N .


    Do ctDon Carr

    Chief Cerk

    Usertem Dock

    For more unpublished BIA decisions,




  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    Exutive Oce r Imaon Rew

    Dcso f Bard f a Appeal

    Fas Chrc, Vgina 22041

     File 05 406 702 - Tcson ron

    I re JORGE REZ




    ON BAF OF RPONDNT: Micel cColl, Esque

    PPCTION Administive close

    OCT -1 205

    y decisio of Jy 25 2014, e Immigrio dge aorded e respondent e privilegeo oay depure. y a separe, undted order entered o the record o the sedte x 18) te igrio Judge declied to adminisivey close proceedigs, ith ereon provided being "not jdicilly economical e respondet hs appeled eDepmet o Homean Secty hs not respoded to the appeal e decisions of eImmigrtio Jdge wil be ated d he record wil be remnded r er proceedings

    The respodent hs sought to hae e proeedigs dminisively closed i order to e

    Appliction r Provisioa Una resece Waier (Fo I601) i Uited StesCiizensip d migratio Services ("SCI) See 8 CFR § 227(e) he reondet is te beeciry o approved vis petition led on his beal by hs nited Stes citizen i eis so the pe o 3 mior Unted States citizen children ltough n alien remoal proceedings is geeraly bed om pursuig the proisioal waiver, e peret reliod related regulatory histo expressly cotemplte the possible grt of aiise closure(lloed by reqest r teintion or dismissal of proceedigs ithot predice were ewier is ltimtely pproved r aliens in remoa proceedings who woud oerise beegible to apply r proisiol waivers. ee 8 CFR § 2127(e)(4)(v; Provisional UnawlPresnce Waivers of Inadmissibii for Certain mmediae Relaives,  Fina Rle, 78 Fed Reg536 53 (Ju 3 2013.

    e Iigro Judge's decisio relatig to the motion, in its preset does notsciey epl the reason r e deial of the motio ee Maer of -P, 20 &N Dec 76 o e moo eopen s dee, e mmo ue msidet d ly expl the resos r s decisio) see ao aer o H 23 I&N Dec462 (BI 2002) olding as e Bod hs limited ctnding biiy o ppeal, there is aheightened eed r Iigtion Jdges to iclude in their decisios cle nd complete dingsof ct at re sppoed by e record d e in complice wi coolling lw)  see aoaer of Aveisyan 25 &N Dec 688 696 IA 2012) (olding tat migrtion Jdgesy consider admisive cose as er of discretio, even where oe py does notcoset, upon consideratio of e totality o circmsces d ctors such as the reason wydmisatie cosre is sought the bsis r opposition to sch close the ikeliood ht e

     I m m i  g r a n t & R e

     f u  g e e A  p  p e l l a t e C e

     n t e r , L L C| w w w . i r

     a c . n e t

  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    A205 406 702

    rsponent ill succee on any pening petition or application r relie, the anticipate rationo the closre, the responsibility o either pary in coibuting to e elay, an the ultiateoutcoe of reoval proceedings). As such, e ll red e recor to e Iiaon Juger te eny o a new ecision ajuicing the responent's otion to ainisatively close proceedings. We express no opinion regaring e utiate outcoe of e responents otion

    a the present tie Se Mater of L-0-G-, 2 I&N Dec 3 (BIA 996) However, as e ee tncessary r the Iiation Juge to enter a ne ecision ajuicating e responentsotion to reopen, the llowing orers are entere.

    ORDER: The decisions of the iation uge of July 25, 2014, are, hereby, vacate.

     FURTR OER Te recor is ree to e Imigration Juge r her proceeingscnsistent ith this opinion, incluing consieration o the responents otion hisapplication r the privilege of volntary epure.


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  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)




    e: 205-406-702

    In th ater of

    July 25 2014



    HAGES Section 212(a)(6)(A(i) o the Imgrtion and Naionaity Ac (teAct) an aien wo is indssibe as n aien present n the nitedStaes wiout ever eing propely admted or paroed pursunt toinspecton y an Imigraton oicer

    APPCATIONS Vontary deparure n accordance wit Section 240(8 o the Act




    e rsponden s an du mae aien naive and cizen o xico wo

    was paced ino remova procedings y h ssuance of a Notce to Appear dated Juy

    14 2012. hat docent was seved on te respondent on uly 14 2012 and as

    been mite nto te recod as Exit 1

    Te respondn admited te agatons conained tein and based

    upon hose admissons and te concession of ovabiity the Court as sustnd he

    carge o inadmssiiy/removabiiy

     I m m i  g r a n t & R e f u  g e e A  p  p e l l a t e C e

     n t e r , L L C| w w w . i r

     a c . n e t

  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    Followng a etermiatio on the cage espodent esignate Mexico

    as te ounty of removal an there has bee no ear expessed in eturning thee tat

    may e cognizant une the law statute teaty, o regulation hus, the Court nds

    that the respondent is not eligle o ay form o relie under Section 20 o any

    restriction o removal under te Act une Sectio 241(b)(3) or une the Aile 3 of the

    Uted Natios Covention Against otue ! and thereore no application for relie wll

    be so onsieed

    In adtion to Exhibit 1 te Cou wll onsider the ollowng docents

    Exhibit 2 a 3 are a motion to age venue a an incation o a equest to review

    te file

    Exhibit 4 is an indication of elease on o Exhiit 5 is te order o te

    Honorabe Silvia R. Aellao grantg the change o venue to uso Aizona Exbit

    6 is note o eaing May 30 203 Exhit 7 ae the witten pleadigs o te

    respondent Exhit is a motio to contnue a extend a iling eadlie Exiit A

    is a ocument i suppot of that a Exiit 9 is my ode grantg tat

    Exhit 10 is the coveseet o te respodents ocuets in support

    and 0A is the table o contents of those ocuents. Exbit are those douments

    and they ave been aitte ito evience

    Exibit 12 s the addedu to espondent's moto to amistratively

    cose poeeding An Exhibt 12A is the oversheet o the tabe o ontets Exhibit

    28 is tat ocument It as een into evience

    13 s te espondets motio to aminstratively close the proeengs

    1 e te docuets n supp teeo They have ee atte into evidece

    xibt 4 is te sppeeta ddedm to espodets oto to

    aministatvely close poeedig nd Exhibit 14- is te tale o ontents oversheet

    A205406702 2 July 25 204

     I m m i  g r a n t & R e f u  g e e A  p  p e l l a t e C e

     n t e r , L L C| w w w . i r a c . n e t

  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    thereto. And Exhibit 14-8 is that documt, and it has been admittd into evidence

    Exhibit 15 is t respodets rief i support of voltar dpartur. Ad

    Exhibit 16 is th table of cotents and docments in support therof. Exhibit 16A are

    those docments, and they have be admitted into evidenc.

    Exhibit 17 is t Govrmet's oppositio to t admiistrative closre

     Ad Exhibit 1 which will b distributed to the paties by mai is a copy of the Courts

    order idicating that a motion to administratively close procdig shall b deid as

    ot bing judicialy economical As indicated in its preamle to the ora dcisio, the

    Cout fels that administrativ closure is still of the covenience of the paies and the

    convenience of the Cout. I this cas because th Government could immediately

    request that the cas be re-calnderd and there would e no basis f r th Cort not to

    do so, the grant o admiistrative closure is ot warranted as big judicially economical

    and will not be done by this Court.

    The rspodt is seekig volutary departre ad the Government does

    not oppose that The rspondt is seekig volutary dpatur in the postconclusio

    mod because the rspondent dos not want to giv up his right to appal.

    The Cort ids tat based upon the Govrmets agreemet with the

    Cout that the respondent shall be granted voltay departure ad the Cou will do so

     And the Cout therefore will issue the following ordr.


    THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED the respodets appication for voutary

    depature be ad hereby is GRANTED;

    HRR S URHR ODER te respodent shal have ti

    the 23rd of September, 2014 to depat the United Stats or by any extsion granted to

    him within the sole xpression of the Depatmnt of omland Scurity;

     A205406702 3 Jly 25 2014




  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)


    TEREFORE T S FURTER ORERE that respondent sha post with

    the Department of omeand Securty a bond in te amount of $500 and that suc bond

    sa be posted on o bef re the 1st of August of 2014;

    TEREFORE IT IS FURTHER ORERED that shoud respondnt fa to

    post that bond in accordance with the deadines imposed by te Cout the grant o

    voluntay departure sha be terminated and the espondent sha be ordeed removed

    from the nited States;

    T S FURTHER ORDERE tat sould the espondent not depart the

    nited States in accordanc with nstructions by the 23rd o September 2014 then the

    oder of vountay depatue wi automaticaly, by aw bcome an oder o remova to


    IT IS FRER ORDERED that if te respondent dos not depa as

    instructed by the Cout a civ monetary penaty and it is up to an amount o $3,000,

    shal apply and the rspondent shal be abe r such

    I IS FRTHER ORDERE that soud the respondent during te

    pendency of the voluntay depature file a motion to reopn o econside, ten the

    order o vountary departure sa not be stayed and te order shal automaticaly

    bcome an oder of remova to Mexico

    T S FRTER ORERE tat the respondent must advise te Boad of

    mmigration Appeas tat h has posted s bond and soud the respondent fail to do

    so, then the Boad of Immigration Appeals wil not alow a vountary departure reinstated

    foowing the resuts on appea.

    Please the next page for electonic


     A205-406-702 4 Juy 25 2014

     I m m i  g r a n t & R e f u  g e e A  p  p e l l a t e C e

     n t e r , L L C| w w w . i r

     a c . n e t

  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)




    THOMAS CHA O'LEARYImmigraton Judge

    5 July 5, 014

     I m m i  g r a n t & R e f u  g e e A  p  p e l l a t e C e

     n t e r , L L C| w w w . i r a c . n e t

  • 8/20/2019 Jorge Perez, A205 406 702 (BIA Oct. 1, 2015)



    Iigration Judge THOMAS MCAEL O'LEARY

    oleayt on Noveme 24, 2014 at 5:00 PM GM

    A205406-70 6 July 25, 2014



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