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Compte tenu des sources de revenu actuellement disponibles, est-ce que les provinces A revenu 61evk dkveloppent invariablement des systkmes de finance locale qui, proportionnellement comportent de plus grandes sommes que celles des provinces Q bas revenu? Les preuves sont ici Q cet effet: mais dans trois des quatre provinces dont il n'est pas question dans cet article, on remarque me tendance contraire.

Lorsqu'on tient compte des variations d'organisation locale et de fonction- iement fiscal, il demeure Bvident que les finances provincales et municipales dans les provinces atlantiques sont relativement limitkes B cause d'un faible fond de ressource fiscale. Une analyse des composantes de revenu personnel rbvble que les variations parmi les provinces et les rkgions sont dues surtout aux mkrences dans le revenu gagnh et que ces diffhrences ne sont pas tellement attknu6es par la variation gkographique dans les niveaux de paiements de transferts fkdkraux. Les programmes fkdBraux dans ces rCgions ne favorisent pas outre mesure la rkgion de I'Atlantique; malgrk certaines mesures fiscales, le produit des revenus provinciaux e t municipaux dans les 4 provinces demeurent beaucoup en bas de la moyenne.


Abbreviations: A-Administration; Am-American; Assn-Association; Bus-Business; C-Canadian; Ec-Economic ( s ) ; I-International; Inst-Institute; J-Journal; Mgt- Management; €'-Public; Pol-Political; Q-Quarterly; R-Review; Sc-Science( s ) ; U-University

CCA-Canadian Chartered Accountant; CJEPS-Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science; I JPA-Indian Journal of Public Administration; PA-Public Administration ( London ) ; PAR-Public Administration Review; PM-Public Management; PPR-Public Personnel Review

ADMINISTRATION IN NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS Adapting data to new conditions: agricultural statistics in a changing world. (Am).

0. V. Wells. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol 6, no 2, 58 Adaptin data to new conditions: current and area data progress and future needs

in k e United States. J. Carroll Bottum and Joseph Ackman. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol6, No 2, 58

Adapting data to new conditions: impact of electronic computing on farm economic research. Vincent West. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol6, No 2, 58

Civil service reform, 1958 (the problems facing the Commission in their review). A. D. P. Heeney. CJEPS, Feb 59

Employment forecasting and manpower policy in France. A special report. I Labour R, Feb 59

Meeting current and area data re uirements in a changing agriculture: present and future program for agricultua statistics in Canada. C. V. Parker and Alan D. Holmes. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol 6, No 2, 58

Organization for river basin development: the Columbia River. Kris Kristjansen. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol6, No 2, 58

Planning in the Mongolian People's Republic. George G. S. Murphy. J Asian Studies, Feb 59

The role of the government auditor in defence contracts. Gordon H. Cheney. CCA March 59

Staff relations in the civil service: who represents the government? S. J. Frankel. CJEPS, Feb 59



ADMINISTRATION IN PROVINCIAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS Meeting current and area data requirements in a changing agriculture: plans and

publication of state and local data for the 1959 Census of Agriculture (Am). C J Agricultural Ec, Vol 6, No 2, 58

Service on limited-access highways: organized pressures and the public interest. Milton C. Taylor. Land Ec, Feb 59

ADMINISTRATION IN MUNICIPAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Europe’s manager plan. Orin F. Nolting. National Civic R, March 59 New era, new thinking ( metropolitan planning). Luther Gulick. National Civic R,

Planning “know how”. Alva W. Stewart. National Civic R, April 59 Why a law course on municipal corporations? Murray Seasongood. National Civic

INTERGOVERNMENTAL ADMINISTRATION Co-operation in government (formation, function and organization of the Federal-

BUDGET, DEBT, FINANCE AND TAX ADMINISTRATION The application of benefit-cost analysis to Fish Preservation Expenditures. M. E.

Building societies in a new age (financing of housing in Britain). Gordon Lee. The

Corporate taxation in Quebec (comparison with new Ontario formula). John P.

An empirical test of sales-tax regressivity. David G. Davies. The J of P Ec, Feb 59 Financing a dynamic agriculture: effect of urban and industrial development on

agricultural finance (Am). Howard G. Diesslin. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol 6, No 2 , 5 8

Financing a dynamic agriculture: intermediate-term credit in agriculture (Am). Stanley A. Morrow. C J Agricultural Ec, Vol 6, No 2, 58

Hospital insurance in Canada. Sylva M. Gelber. I Labour R, May 59 How to administer capital spending. John B. Matthews, Jr. Harvard Bus R, March-

Index-Eased adjustments for social security benefits. Elizabeth Liefmann-Keil. I

Is the “economic efficiency” of taxation important? A. Morag. The Ec J, March 59 Income-tax administration. Harold M. Groves. National Tax J, March 59 Lease-purchase fails ( U.S. abandonment lesson for all governments?). Joseph F.

Long-range planning for railway revenue accounting. Leonard J. Mills. CCA, June 59 Medical care insurance in the Netherlands ( organization, administration and finance).

A staff report. I Labour R, April 59 Municipal motor vehicle user taxes. L. F. Hashey. C Tax J, Jan-Feb 59 The pensions problem in the United Kingdom (the three arties’ proposals for

meeting future needs). A. R. Ilersic. C Tax J, March-Apriy 59 The problem of mining taxation-Ghana’s experience. Alan H. Smith. C Tax J,

Jan-Feb 59 Public finance revisited. H. C. Hillmann. Kyklos, Vol XII, Fasc 1, 59 Revenue estimation and state fiscal management. Eugene A. Myers. National

Some y ied I estimates for transfer taxes. John C. Bowen. National Tax I, March 59 Tightening the federal purse strings (“managing” vs. “economizing ’). Herman

PERSONNEL The effect of reference group standards on job satisfactions. Martin Patchen. Human

April 59

R, May 59

Provincial Continuing Committee). R. M. Bums. C Tax J, Jan-Feb 59

Marts and W. R. D. Sewell. Land Ec, Feb 59

Banker, May 59

Kinghorn. CCA, May 59

A ril 59

Labour R, May 59

Zimmerman. National Civic R, May 59

Tax , Dec58

W. Bevis. Harvard Bus R, May-June 59

Relations, Vol XI, No 4



Employee relationships under the Yugoslav system of management by the workers.

From business to government (recruitment of outstanding business executives for federal posts-good or bad?). Barry E. Supple. Bus History R, Spring 59 Of time and the worker. Paul Fraisse. Harvard Bus R, May-June 59 On John Porter’s “bureaucratic elite in Canada” ( a comment). Donald C. Rowat.

The bureaucratic elite: a reply to Professor Rowat. John Porter. CJEPS, May 59 The managerial mind. Charles E. Summer, Jr. Hanrard Bus R, Jan-Feb 59 On substitution between the goals of working grou s (productivity and personal

development; efficiency and comprehensivenesslj. Michael P. Fogarty. The British J of Sociology, March 59

Role of civil service in India. A. R. T agi. Indian J of Pol Sc, Oct-Dec 58 Some aspects of wage policy in the p[-ed economies of Eastern Europe. The staff.

Voluntary absence from work. Hilde Behrend. I Labour R, Feb 59

THEORY AND PRACTICE O F ADMINISTRATION A bibliographical essay on decision making. William J. Gore and Fred S. Slander

Administratio nand law. Haridwar Rai. The Indian J of Pol Sc, July-Sept 58 Administrative accounting: cost accounting (dynamic, as opposed to historical,

Authority structure and organizational effectiveness. Amitai Etzioni. Administrative

Control of warehouse costs. Thomas J. Diggory. CCA, Feb 59 Long- and short-range planning. Pieter Bakker. CCA, May 59 Mary Parker Follet and the study of public administration. S. P. Aiyar. The Indian

The organization of an integrated procedures plan (integrated data processing).

The project manager (new role in modem organizations). Paul 0. Gaddis. Harvard

The reach of an executive (locating problem situations). Stahrl Edmunds. Harvard

The role of the research administrator (some problems of research organization and

Moma Markovik. I Labour R, Feb 59

CJEPS, May 59

I Labour R, Jan 59

Administrative Sc Q, June 59

c o s t s ) . CCA, June 59

Sc Q, June 59

J of Pol Sc. July-Sept 58

Reginald D. Richardson. CCA, Vol 74, No 6, June 59

Bus R, May-June 59

Bus R, Jan-Feb 59

administration). Norman Kaplan. Administrative Sc Q, June 59

UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION Financing dynamic agriculture: federal financing of rural utilities. E. C. Weitzell.

C J of Agrioultural Ec, Vol6, No 2, 58 Industrial administration in communist East Europe (coal industry of Czechoslovakia

used to illustrate how infmmal managerial practices circumvent problems created by externally imposed overbureaucratization). Gerhard W. Ditz. Ad- ministrative Sc Q, June 59

MISCELLANEOUS Conversion barriers in using the social sciences (experts needed for using knowledge

are different from those needed for its discovery). Harold Guetzkow. Adminis- trative Sc Q, June 59

Developing international institutions to govern trade. Willis C. Armstrong. C J of Agricultural Ec, Vol6, No 2, 58

International atomic energy agency: The administrator’s view, Sterling Cole; The scientists’s view, Gunnar Randers. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April 59

Purchase-lease financing. J. Newark Falkner. CCA, March 59 Who holds Britain’s cash? ( a statistical mystery-nearly 50% of Britain’s cash has

no apparent owner). The Banker, March 59



SPECIAL ISSUES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES The International Monetary Fund, 1955-1958: A Selected Bibliography. Martin

L. Loftus. International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Nov 58 The library of the Canadian Tax Foundation (function, scope and contents of the

library). Reginald A. Rawkins. C Tax J, Jan-Feb 59 Machinery of government: papers on commonwealth machinery of government,

interdepartmental co-ordination; the Haldane Report, 191858; departmental policy planning. PA, Dec 58

Partnership for progress: international technical co-operation; ( contains several articles concerning various problems of administration). Annals of the Am Academy of Pol and Social Sc, V. 323, May 59

PREVIEWING THE CONFERENCE Toronto, Ontario, October 21st to 24th, 1959

Reports from the Program Committee indicate that this year’s Con- ference will meet the high standards set in previous years. Under the chairmanship of H. H. Vl‘alker, preparations are being completed for a program that will include some of the most important issues now facing public officials and will present some of Canada’s leading authorities to discuss them. Both subjects and speakers have been selected to represent the far-ranging interests of all members of the Institute. According to custom, the program allows ample time for informal discussion and association amongst those attending the conference.

Members and friends of the Institute will shortly receive the printed programs. Among the general subjects of the sessions of the conference will be the operation of the St. Lawrence Seaway, farm marketing and price support programs, civil service administration, financial and organi- zational problems in education, provincial-municipal fiscal relations, management of energy resources, and public credit policies.