Recueil sur saint Jérôme by Paul Antin Review by: P. G. van der Nat Vigiliae Christianae, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Sep., 1971), p. 233 Published by: BRILL Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1583326 . Accessed: 20/12/2014 11:34 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . BRILL is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Vigiliae Christianae. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:34:38 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Recueil sur saint Jérômeby Paul Antin

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Page 1: Recueil sur saint Jérômeby Paul Antin

Recueil sur saint Jérôme by Paul AntinReview by: P. G. van der NatVigiliae Christianae, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Sep., 1971), p. 233Published by: BRILLStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1583326 .

Accessed: 20/12/2014 11:34

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.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


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Page 2: Recueil sur saint Jérômeby Paul Antin


Paul Antin, Recueil sur saint Jdr6me (Collection Latomus, 95). Bruxel- les, Latomus, 1968. Pp. 474. F.B. 750.

In this volume Dom Antin, vir vere Hieronymianus, has collected thirty-nine articles and four book reviews. Two of the articles are inedita, viz., those dealing with the meaning of ordo and with Jerome's influence on hagiography. The other ones have been published in various periodicals and composite volumes. It should be noted, however, that they are not reproduced in their original form: the text has been revised and provided with additions, the notes have been expanded and brought up to date.

The volume opens with a bibliography of Dom Antin (p. 7-17) and it is concluded by useful indexes, of which that of subjects deserves special mention.

The titles of the included papers are:

L'apparition de S. J6r6me et S. Jean-Baptiste a S. Augustin par Mino de Fiesole (23-26); A propos de la tribune de S.-Savin. Trois r~gles de m6thode iconographique (27-31); Pour lire S. Jer6me (33-45); Touches classiques et chretiennes juxtaposees chez S. Jer6me (47-57); Les sirdnes et Ulysse dans l'oeuvre de S. Jer6me (59-70); Autour du songe de S. Jr86me (71-100); Le monachisme selon S. Jer6me. Appendice sur le Regi- nensis Lat. 140 f.45v.-51v. (101-128. 129-133); Question de vocabulaire: monachisme, <<monachologie)) (135-136); Monachologie de S. Jr86me (137-145); <<Simple)) et <sim- plicit>)) chez S. Jr86me (147-161); Ailes et vol chez S. Jer6me (163-168); S. Jer6me et le monde des sons, physiques et spirituels (169-201); Textes de S. Jer6me (et d'autres) sur la joie du malheur d'autrui (203-208); Jer6me, Ep. 125,18,2-3 (209-217); Exemples de biens temporels chez saint Ambroise, saint Jr86me et saint Augustin (219-224); S.Cyprien et Jonas (225-228); Ordo dans S. Jer6me (229-240); Ut ita dicam chez S.Jer6me (241-249); Hilarius Gallicano cothurno attollitur (Jer6me, Ep. 58,10) (251- 258); Hiliarius Latinae aloquentiae Rhodanus (Jer6me, In Gal., prol.2) 259-277); Ecri- ture Sainte et vie spirituelle (279-281); La cigale dans la spiritualit6 (283-290); Solitude et silence chez S. Jer6me (291-304); Le cilice dhez S. Jer6me (305-309); S. Jr8me et l'argent (311-319); Sainte Eustochium (321-325); Les idles morales de S. Jer6me (327- 343); S. Jr8me et son lecteur (345-363); Jer6me, Ep. 22,6,3 et la Bible (365-366); Authenticit6 de Jr68me, Ep. 53,1,4 (fin) (367-370); Sur Defensor, Scintil., et Jer6me, In Dan., IV, 8; X, 4b et 6a (371-373); La ville chez S. Jr8me (375-389); Rufin et Pelage dans Jer6me, Prologue 1 In Hieremiam (391-394); Extraits de S. Jer6me (Ep. 58 et 125) dans le Ms. 17 de la Morgan Library (395-396); Emprunts " S. Jr86me dans le Liber Pon- tificalis et la Vie de S. Didier de Cahors (397-400); S. Jer6me dans l'hagiographie (401- 405); Addenda aux Obras du Bx Jean d'Avila, 6d. Sala Balust (407-408); Quatre comptes rendus: Biblia Sacra, t. XII, 1964. - Origene, Homdlies sur S. Luc, 1962. - S. Jer6me, Lettres, trad. Labourt, t. VII, VIII, 1961, 1963 (409-417); Notes sur le style de S. Gr&- goire de Tours et ses emprunts (?) A Philostrate (419-434); Sur une precision topony- mique de Gregoire de Tours (435-437).

The Hague, Kwikstaartlaan 3 P. G. VAN DER NAT

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