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Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

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Page 1: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

Hydrobiologia 300/301 : 17-42,1995 .G. Balvay (ed .), Space Partition within Aquatic Ecosystems .©1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium .

Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplanktoncommunity

B. Pinel-AlloulGroupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Limnologie et en Environnement aquatique (G.R.LL.), DEpartement desciences biologiques, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128. Succ . `A', Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C-3J7

Key words: marine and freshwater zooplankton, spatial heterogeneity, scaling, multiple abiotic and biotic generativeprocesses .


Zooplankton spatial heterogeneity has profound effects on understanding and modelling of zooplankton populationdynamics and interactions with other planktonic compartments, and consequently, on the structure and function ofplanktonic ecosystems . On the one hand, zooplankton heterogeneity at spatial and temporal scales of ecologicalinterest is an important focus of aquatic ecology research because of its implications in models of productivity,herbivory, nutrient cycling and trophic interactions in planktonic ecosystems . On the other hand, estimatingzooplankton spatial variation at the scale of an ecosystem, is a powerful tool to achieve accurate sampling design .This review concentrates on the spatial heterogeneity of marine and freshwater zooplankton with respect to scale .First to be examined are the concept of spatial heterogeneity, the sampling and statistical methods used to estimatezooplankton heterogeneity, and the scales at which marine and freshwater zooplankton heterogeneity occurs . Then,the most important abiotic and biotic processes driving zooplankton heterogeneity over a range of spatial scalesare presented and illustrated by studies conducted over large and fine scales in both oceans and lakes . Couplingbetween abiotic and biotic processes is finally discussed in the context of the `multiple driving forces hypothesis' .

Studies of zooplankton spatial heterogeneity refer both to the quantification of the degree of heterogeneity(`measured heterogeneity') and to the estimation of the heterogeneity resulting from the interactions between theorganisms and their environment ('functional heterogeneity') (Kolasa & Rollo, 1991) . To resolve the problem ofmeasuring zooplankton patchiness on a wide range of spatial scales, advanced technologies (acoustic devices, theOptical Plankton Counter (OPC), and video systems) have been developed and tested in marine and freshwaterecosystems . A comparison of their potential applications and limitations is presented . Furthermore, many statisticaltools have been developed to estimate the degree of `measured heterogeneity' ; the three types most commonly usedare indices of spatial aggregation, variance : mean ratio, and spatial analysis methods . The variance partitioningmethod proposed by Borcard et al. (1992) is presented as a promising tool to assess zooplankton `functionalheterogeneity' .

Nested patchiness is a common feature of zooplankton communities and spatial heterogeneity occurs on ahierarchical continuum of scales in both marine and freshwater environments . Zooplankton patchiness is theproduct of many physical processes interacting with many biological processes . In marine systems, patterns ofzooplankton patchiness at mega- to macro-scales are mostly linked to large advective vectorial processes whereas atcoarse-, fine- and micro-scales, physical turbulence and migratory, reproductive and swarm behaviors act togetherto structure zooplankton distribution patterns . In freshwater environments, physical advective forces related tocurrents of various energy levels, and vertical stratification of lake interact with biological processes, especiallywith vertical migration, to structure zooplankton community over large to fine- and micro-scales . Henceforth,the zooplankton community must be perceived as a spatially well-structured and dynamic system that requiresa combination of both abiotic and biotic explanatory factors for a better comprehension and more realistic andreliable predictions of its ecology .


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Among the earliest and most persistent concepts inecology were homogeneity and its antonym hetero-geneity (McIntosh, 1991). The great tradition of bal-ance of nature imputed homogeneity, constancy andequilibrium to natural systems and abhorred thoughtsof extinction, chaos and randomness . The develop-ment of plankton ecology in the late nineteenth cen-tury took its roots within this context of homogene-ity. The etymological derivation of the term `plankton'(noun of 7r .a-yrcr of = wandering, drifting) and its ear-ly use by Hensen (1884) implied that zooplankton wererandomly distributed and assumed a `uniform' (regu-lar or equidistant) distribution in space (Lussenhop,1974). Since its statement, this assumption of homo-geneous distribution of plankton has been vigorouslyattacked (Haeckel, 1891) . Most of the earlier limnol-ogists, A. J. Forel in Lake Geneva and E . A. Birgeand C. Juday in Wisconsin lakes, confronted the prob-lem of heterogeneity in the physical structure of lakesand recognized significant spatial variation in plank-ton distribution in both vertical and horizontal dimen-sions. However, the subjective ideal of uniformity andhomogeneity in plankton distribution persisted duringthe early decades of the twentieth century, and theimportance of spatial heterogeneity in plankton ecolo-gy became apparent only during the 1940s and 1950s .First, Hutchinson (1953) developed the concept ofpattern in ecology and adopted the terms 'superdis-persion' for aggregated distributions and 'infradisper-sion' for regular distributions. Then, since the six-ties, zooplankton patchiness and its measurement havebeen well documented both in marine and freshwaterecosystems (Cassie, 1962, 1963 ; Frontier 1973 ; Riley,1976; Fasham, 1978 ; Malone & McQueen, 1983) .

It is now clearly recognized that most zooplank-ton organisms are distributed in clumps, swarms oraggregates; this spatial heterogeneity has profoundeffects for the understanding and modelling of speciespopulation dynamics and their interactions with oth-er planktonic compartments, and consequently, it hasimportant implications for the structure and function ofplanktonic ecosystems. On the one hand, zooplanktonheterogeneity at spatial and temporal scales of ecolog-ical interest is an important focus of aquatic ecologyresearch because of its importance for models of pro-ductivity, herbivory, nutrient cycling and trophic inter-actions in planktonic ecosystems . On the other hand,within-lake zooplankton spatial heterogeneity, reflect-ed by the variation between samples, must be known

to achieve accurate sampling design (Downing, 1991) .During the last three decades, most investigations havefocused on the spatial and temporal scales of greaterheterogeneity (Dumont, 1967 ; Wiebe, 1970 ; Hauryet al., 1978 ; De Nie et al ., 1980; Pont, 1986 ; Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988) and estimation of patch size (Cole-brook, 1960a ; Cushing & Tungate, 1963 ; Klemetsen,1970; Johnson & Chua, 1973 ; Tessier, 1983 ; Byronet al., 1983 ; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . It is onlysince the 1980s that the study of the forcing process-es responsible for zooplankton heterogeneity over arange of spatial scales has become central to the devel-opment of ecological theory in limnology and oceanog-raphy (Downing et al ., 1987 ; Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988 ;Simard & Mackas, 1989 ; Kolasa & Pickett, 1991 ;Simard et al., 1992; Dutilleul & Legendre, 1993) .

This review concentrates on the spatial hetero-geneity of marine and freshwater zooplankton withrespect to scale . Scale is emerging as one of the crit-ical problems that must be considered in communityecology (Allen & Hoekstra, 1991), landscape ecolo-gy (Milne, 1991) and hierarchy theory (O'Neill et al .,1991). In zooplankton ecology, scale dependence aris-es from the numerical and functional responses ofspecies to environmental factors operating at differ-ent scales. Thus, the degree of zooplankton spatialheterogeneity and the importance of different genera-tive processes vary among sampling scales . First to beexamined in this review are the concept of spatial het-erogeneity, the sampling and statistical methods usedto estimate zooplankton heterogeneity, and the scales atwhich marine and freshwater zooplankton heterogene-ity occurs. Then, the most important abiotic and biot-ic processes driving zooplankton heterogeneity over arange of spatial scales will be presented and illustratedby studies conducted over large and fine scales in bothoceans and lakes . Coupling between abiotic and bioticprocesses will finally be discussed in the context of the`multiple driving forces hypothesis' .

Zooplankton spatial heterogeneity : concept andecological significance

Smith (1972) defined heterogeneity in the spatial senseand considered a variable or a process to be heteroge-neous when it varied over space in relation to structuralvariations of the environment . Smith's definition refersto the concept of `functional heterogeneity' which aris-es from the ecological interactions at scales relevant tothe ecological entities and to their environment . Thus,the `functional heterogeneity' depends on spatial scales

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at which individuals, populations or communities oper-ate, Ecological entities can be either populations, com-munities or ecosystems, and the degree of 'function-al heterogeneity' will increase with habitat complex-ity and extent (Kolasa & Rollo, 1991) . This conceptopposes that of `measured heterogeneity' which con-centrates on the estimation of the magnitude of hetero-geneity without a priori consideration of generativeprocesses, and the development of indices of spatialheterogeneity. This duality of the spatial heterogene-ity paradigm has recently been discussed in detail byDutilleul & Legendre (1993) . They concluded that the`measured heterogeneity' is a product of the observ-er's perspective whereas the `functional heterogene-ity' provides the perspective of the ecological entities .The distinction between these two concepts dependson the resolution of the study . If the scale, extent,and resolution of the study address relevant aspects ofhabitat heterogeneity for the ecological entities, thenthe `measured' and `functional' heterogeneities tend toconverge .

Past studies of zooplankton spatial heterogeneityrefer to both concepts of `measured' and `functional'heterogeneity. Most earlier works deal with the esti-mation of `measured heterogeneity' (see references inTables 3 and 4, and Frontier, 1973 ; Fasham, 1978 ;Downing et al., 1987 ; Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988, Paceet al ., 1991 ; Downing, 1991). The model developedby Downing et al . (1987) which predicts the variancein replicate zooplankton samples as a function of themean abundance and sample volume, has been appliedto a variety of aquatic systems and levels of taxonom-ic organization (Anderson et al ., 1982; Morin, 1985 ;Pace et al., 1991 ; Morin & Cattaneo, 1992) . Mean-variance relationships (Fig . 1) provide a powerful toolfor valid comparative analyses of zooplankton aggre-gation at different spatial sampling scales, and acrossecosystems (Pinel-Alloul etal., 1988; Downing, 1991 ;Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) ; they also allow a prioridecisions about the number of samples necessary toachieve a given level of precision in the estimation ofzooplankton mean estimates (Downing et al., 1987 ;Pace et al., 1991). However, this approach lacks bio-logical relevance since it reveals little of how zooplank-ters are organized in space, and gives no informationabout patch pattern and size in relation to their gener-ative processes . More recently, spatial analysis basedon correlograms, variograms and mapping have ful-filled this complementary need (Mackas, 1984 ; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991 ; Simard et al., 1992; Crawfordet al., 1992; Dutilleul & Legendre, 1993) . The alter-





-2 ,





Log mean density (no . per sampler)

Fig . 1 . Relationships between logi()s 2 and log,{)m densities ofzooplankton collected in Lake Cromwell (Quebec) compared to therelationship predicted by Downing et al., (1987) from publishedmarine and freshwater zooplankton data . (From Pinel-Alloul et al.,1988) .

native concept of `functional heterogeneity' has beenless explored, even though it offered more biologicalrelevance by relating the observed patterns of distribu-tion to environmental processes operating over differ-ent scales . Such zooplankton `functional heterogene-ity' has been investigated in recent studies (Simard &Mackas, 1989; Price, 1989 ; Pinel-Alloul et al., 1990 ;Johannsson et al ., 1991 ; Sameoto & Herman, 1992 ;Mackas, 1992; Patalas & Salki, 1992; Pace et al.,1992), using mapping, spatial analysis, and canonicalcorrespondence analysis .

Zooplankton spatial heterogeneity is of great eco-logical significance since the distribution patterns,abundance heterogeneity and swarming behavior ofzooplankters strongly influence nutrient regeneration(Paffenhofer & Knowles, 1979 ; Lehman & Scav-ia, 1982) and feeding activity of herbivores (Tessier,1983 ; Marrase et al., 1990), omnivores (Paffenhofer& Knowles, 1980; Williamson & Butler, 1986), andpredators (Landry, 1978 ; Greene, 1983). For exam-ple, swarm formation, swimming behavior and graz-ing of marine krill and copepods are mediated by phy-toplankton patchiness (Price, 1989 ; Tiselius, 1992) .Conversely, freshwater cladoceran patchiness increas-es grazing activity and sustains phytoplankton hetero-geneity (Tessier, 1983) . Zooplankton patchiness alsoinfluences invertebrate and fish predation rates (Neil

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Table 1 . Types, applications, advantages and limitations of the advanced technologies recently developed to study zooplanktonvertical and horizontal patchiness .

intermediate invasiveFine-scale, mesocosmsLaboratory experiments

Table 2 . Indices of spatial heterogeneity applied to marine and freshwater zooplankton and theirformula, calculation and range of observed values in 1200 replicate zooplankton samples . (FromDowning, 1991). : range of values according to Downing (1991), Pinel-Alloul & Pont (1991)and Pace et al. (1991) .


Formula Calculation

Range of values

s 2 /m




0.3-2 .6kb

m2/(s2 - m)


m + (s2/m) - 1

1->10 000m'/m

1+s2 -m-I

X1- XMorisita's Index




Slope of the s 2 /m power function


s2 = a + mb

1 .24-1 .89a

Variance mean ratioCoefficient of variationk of the negative binomial distributionLloyd's mean crowding indexLloyd's index of patchiness

& Peacock, 1980 ; Rothschild & Osborn, 1988 ; Davis brate and fish predation (Neill, 1990 ; Levy, 1990 ;et al., 1991 ; Noda et al., 1992; Williamson, 1993), and Tjossem, 1990) . Others studies also suggest a relation-as a corollary, zooplankton exhibits vertical migration ship between zooplankton patchiness and their repro-behavior in response to low food availability (Johnsen ductive activity, as reproducing crustaceans are more& Jakobsen, 1987) or as a defence against inverte-

likely to be found in patches (Colebrook, 1960b ; De


Types Applications Advantages Limitations References

Acoustic sounding

Single-beamADCP system


Distribution Non-invasiveAbundance

No taxonomicinformation

Open waterPelagic zone

Large zooplankton

Smith et al., 1992


Vertical andhorizontaldistributions

Fine- and large-scalesNNLS inversion Abundancetechnique Size

Optical Plankton Counter OPC system DistributionAbundanceSize

Large-scaleContinuous surveySinusoidal pattern

Direct estimation ofdensity per unit volume


No taxonomicinformation

Counting coincidenceOrientation effect

Sprules et al., 1992

Video Plankton Recorder VPR system DistributionAbundanceSizeBehavior

Taxonomic and behaviorinformation

no automated dataprocessing

Schulze et al., 1992

Swimming patterns

not suitable for surveyPredator-prey interactions

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Table 3 . Patchiness scales for marine zooplankton, and their abiotic and biotic generative processes as recorded in selected studies .

Nie et al., 1980) . Finally, zooplankton spatial hetero-geneity is also a species- and size-specific property(Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988) . Among macrozooplank-ton taxa, within-lake spatial distribution patterns in asmall canadien lake, has been shown to vary in rela-tion to their feeding behavior and their vulnerabilityto invertebrate predation (Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) .Larger zooplankters are less heterogeneously distribut-ed than small zooplankters ; greater spatial aggregationmay allow small zooplankters to avoid predators andlocate mates while reduced spatial heterogeneity inlarge species may decrease competition .

Advanced technologies for sampling zooplanktonspatial heterogeneity

To understand the role of zooplankters in structuringspatial heterogeneity of planktonic ecosystems, wehave to resolve their distributions on a wide rangeof spatial scales. In addition to being labor-intensive


and time-consuming, conventional sampling methodsusing vertical or horizontal integrating samplers (Wis-consin plankton net, Clarke-Bumpus sampler, inte-grated pumping or tubing) or discrete-depth samplers(Schindler-Patalas trap) have limitations in their abil-ity to resolve both zooplankton fine- and large-scalepatchiness . In the last two decades, three advancedtechnologies (acoustic devices, the Optical PlanktonCounter (OPC), and video systems) have been devel-oped and tested in both marine and freshwater ecosys-tems (Table 1). An excellent review of the applica-tion of these new devices for studying zooplanktondistribution and behavior has recently been edited byWilliamson et al. (1992) . In this section, my emphasiswill be on the comparison of their potential applicationsand limitations, as illustrated by studies of freshwaterand marine zooplankton .

The application of acoustical methods for study-ing zooplankton began using single-beam techniqueswhich gave only information on the distribution and

Spatial scale Zooplankton taxa Abiotic processes Biotic processes References

Mega-scale 145 zooplankton taxa Climatic regions Primary productivity McGowan, 1971(10 3 -104 km) Oceanic gyres patterns

Surface circulation patternsMeso-scale Euphausiids Warm-core eddies Simard & Mackas, 1989(101 -103 km) Cold-core eddies

California currentMacro-scale Euphausiids Coastal eddies Migratory behavior Simard & Mackas, 1989(10-10 1 km) Coastal upwelling Simard et al., 1986

Calanus, Temora St. Lawrence outflow Sameoto & Herman, 1992Copepods, tunicates Coastal upwelling Phytoplankton intrusion Paffenhofer, 1980and shrimps Nutrient intrusion

Coarse-scale Shrimps Bottom features Migratory behavior Crawford et al., 1992(102-104 M) Oceanic currents

Crustacea Tidal fronts Phytoplankton patterns Pingree et al., 1974Decapoda Internal waves Zeldis & Jillett, 1982Appendicularia Langmuir circulation Phytoplankton patchiness Alldrege, 1982Crustacea Langmuir circulation Algae convergence zones Jillett & Zeldis, 1985Zooplankton Langmuir cells Schneider & Bajdik, 1992Zooplankton community Hydroclimatic events Jouffre et al., 1991

Hydrodynamic energyCopepods and euphausiids Warm-core ring Migratory behavior Wiebe et al ., 1992

Fine-scale Mysids Microscale turbulence Algae-herbivore interactions Clutter, 1969(1-100 M) Swimming behavior Price, 1989Micro-scale Copepods and fish larvae Microscale turbulence Food concentration Davis et al., 1991(10-2-1 M) Prey patches

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Table 4 . Patchines scales for freshwater zooplankton, and their abiotic and biotic generative processes as recorded in selected studies (suite) .a : for species taxa see Malone & McQueen (1983) and Pinel-Alloul & Pont (1991)

abundance of target organisms . A recent application ofsingle-beam acoustics is the ADCP (acoustic Dopplercurrent profiler) system . Compared to conventional nettows, this acoustic device gave accurate abundanceestimates of zooplankton with correlation coefficientsranging from 0 .85 to 0.98 between both sampling meth-ods (Flagg & Smith, 1989). Single-beam echo integra-tion provided an accurate evaluation of the diel patternof vertical migration for the shrimp Pandalus montagui

(Fig. 2a & b) in the eastern Hudson Strait (Quebec)(Crawford et al., 1992). It was also successfully usedto map the mesoscale aggregation of euphausiids onthe continental shelf of Vancouver Island (Simard &Mackas, 1989) and the spatial distribution of the pelag-ic amphipod Macrohectopus branickii in Lake Baikal(Rudstam et al., 1992). More recent developmentof multiple-frequency acoustics offers the possibili-ty of detecting distributional patterns of different sized

Spatial scale Zooplankton taxa Abiotic processes

Biotic processes References

Type I

Rotifersa Lake basin morphometry Shore avoidance Langford, 1938 ; Davis, 1969 ;Large scale Bosmids, Chydoridsa Current patterns Reproductive and Patalas, 1969; Leach, 1973 ;(> I km)

Daphnia spp .a Current upwelling growth recruitements Gannon, 1975 ; Watson, 1976;Diaphanosoma spp . a Inshore-Offshore Food abundance Patalas, 1981 ; Urabe, 1990;Ceriodaphnia spp .a Advective currents Phytoplankton growth Hart, 1990; Johannsson et al., 1991 ;Leptodora kindtii River Inflow Competition Patalas & Salki, 1992 ; Pace et al., 1992 ;Diaptomids a Invertebrate predation Gliwicz & Rykowska, 1992Eurytemora spp. Vertebrate predationEpischura lacustrisLimnocalanus macrurusCyclopidsa

Type II

Rotifersa Wind current patterns Vertical migration Birge, 1897 ; Ragotzkie & Bryson, 1953Coarse scale Bosmids, Chydoridsa Internal seiches Horizontal migration Berzins, 1958 ; Tonolli, 1958 ;(10 m-I km) Daphnia spp a Vertical stratification Phytoplankton patterns Colebrook, 1960b ; McNaught & Hasler, 1961 ;

Diaphanosoma spp a Physical gradients Invertebrate predation Dumont, 1967 ; George, 1974 ;Ceriodaphnia spp a Downind accumulation Active swimming Richerson et al., 1978 ;Holopedium gibberum De Nie et al ., 1980 ; Tessier, 1983 ;Polyphemus pediculus Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988 ; Levy, 1991 ;Leptodora kindtii Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991BythotrephesDiaptomidsaCyclopidsaMysids

Type III

Daphnia spp a Langmuir circulation Reproductive behavior Neess, 1949 ; Colebrook, 1960b;

Fine-scale Diaphanosoma spp a Physical gradients Co-active interactions McNaught & Hasler, 1961 ; Stavn, 1971 ;(1-10 M)

Diaptomidsa Swimming behavior George & Edwards, 1973 ;Cyclopidsa Phototactism Pont, 1986 ; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991

Vertical migrationPhytoplankton patterns

Type IV

Bosmidsa Convection currents Swarms patterns Birge, 1897 ; Kiinne, 1925 ;micro-scale Daphnia spp a Reproductive behavior Southern & Gardiner, 1926 ;(<I m)

Scapholeberis spp. Social interactions Colebrook, 1960 ; Kelmetsen, 1970 ;Polyphemus pediculus Predator avoidance Byron et al., 1983 ; Butorina, 1986;Ceriodaphnia pulchella Prey/predator ratio De Nie et al., 1980 ; Arditi et al., 1991Diaptomidsa

Page 7: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

Table 5. Contributions of each significant environmental factors retained in the mod-el developed to explain the environmental control of lake zooplankton in Quebec(Pinel-Alloul et al., unpublished data) .

** : P<0.01 ; * : P<0.05

organisms, in addition to their abundance . It has beenused to estimate the vertical distribution of 40 sizeclasses of marine zooplankton ranging from naupliito small euphausiids (Fig . 2c) (Holliday et al., 1989 ;Pieper et al., 1990) . All these acoustic devices arenon-invasive since they make measurements from adistance of several meters from the target organisms,and data processing is relatively rapid although theraw data must be converted to counts per unit vol-ume. However, these acoustic devices still do not pro-vide taxonomic information, and they are inefficientin detecting organisms close to the bottom or surfaceof the water column, as well as small zooplankters< 1-4 mm .

Applications of optical particle counters for thecharacterization of zooplankton spatial patterns begantwo decades ago. Earlier technologies such as the opto-electronic plankton sizer (Cooke et al., 1970) andthe Hiac Particle Size Analyser (Pugh, 1978) werenot routinely used in zooplankton research althoughthey facilitated large-scale studies of plankton distri-bution and abundance . As an alternative to these instru-ments, Herman (1988) developed the Optical PlanktonCounter (OPC) which permits large- scale continu-ous sampling of zooplankton size and density spectra .The OPC can detect organisms from 250 ttm to about


4 mm, and enables sampling of both linear and sinu-soidal transects. Coupling the OPC with a fluorom-eter and with conductivity-temperature-depth sensors(Fig. 3A) allows the concomitant measurement of zoo-plankton patchiness and the potential biotic and abiot-ic processes responsible for this spatial heterogeneity .The OPC has been used to study large-scale horizon-tal and/or vertical distribution of marine zooplanktonon the Nova Scotia Shelf (Herman et al ., 1991), andfreshwater zooplankton in Lake Ontario (Sprules et al.,1992). Like the acoustic devices, the OPC does not pro-vide taxonomic information, but unlike acoustics, theOPC is intrusive since detected organisms must phys-ically pass through its sensor . Technical limitationsand biases can also arise from coincidental countingof organisms at high zooplankton density and fromorientation errors during zooplankton size estimation .Furthermore, this instrument must be carefully cali-brated with comparative analysis of net samples .

Video systems and zooplankton recording by imageanalysis can be divided into two classes : survey instru-ments intended primarily for measuring population dis-tributions and abundances over large and fine scales,and instruments designed to measure individual behav-ior (Schluze et al., 1992). Remotely operated vehi-cles (ROV) equipped with video cameras (Fig . 3B)

Environmental factors Variable Varianceexplained (%)


Physical and chemical Ca++ 0.11 0 .01**S04 0.06 0.01**Mg++ 0.06 0.01**Mn++ 0.05 0 .01pH 0.04 0.01**Al- 0.04 0.01**Transparence 0.04 0.01**

Morphometry Altitude 0.07 0.01**Mean depth 0 .05 0 .02*Morphoedaphic index 0.04 0.03*

Phytoplankton Merismopedia minima 0.06 0.04*Kephyrion sp . 0 .05 0.04*Cosmarium sp . 0.04 0.04*

Fish Percaflavescens 0.09 0.01**Salvelinus fontinalis 0.06 0.01**Catostomus commersoni 0.05 0.01**

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Fig. 2. Vertical distribution of total biomass of the shrimp Pandalus montagui detected with a single-beam acoustic device at night (a)and in the morning (b) . (From Crawford et al., 1992) . (c) Size-class specific zooplankton biovolume as a function of depth estimated by amultiple-frequency acoustic device . (From Holliday et al., 1989) .

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Fig . 3 . A: V-FIN underwater vehicle equipped with Optical Plankton Counter (OPC), fluorometer, and conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD)sensor. View is from the rear. (From Sprules et al., 1992) . B : Remotely operated vehicle equipped with video camera for quantification ofgelatinous zooplankton . (From Bergstrom et al., 1992) .

and acoustic devices permitted the study of in situmysid and tunicate aggregation patterns over vari-ous vertical and horizontal scales (Lee & Hall, 1989 ;Paffenhofer et al., 1991). However, these methodsalso have shortcomings and limitations due to thebehavioral responses of organisms (attraction or repul-sion) to the instrument and its white light, and to thelack of contrast between transparent organisms andtheir environment under conditions of high ambientlight. Small video devices have also been developedto assess individual behavior (EcoSCOPE, DynIM-

AGE, CritterCamTM underwater microscope, Infraredvideo, Motion-sensing holocamera), and enable directobservation of swimming and aggregation patterns(Strickler, 1977), abundance distributions (Bergstromet al., 1992), and predatory-prey interactions (Kils,1992). These video instruments are unique in provid-ing taxonomic and behavioral information, but are bestsuited for small-scale studies in clear water lakes, andfor mesocosms and laboratory experiments .

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Measurement of zooplankton spatial heterogeneity

Spatial heterogeneity is a concept whose definitiondepends on the nature of the underlying patterns(Dutilleul & Legendre, 1993) . The most common sta-tistical models concern variation of organisms or vari-ables among sites or subregions. A point pattern pro-cess concerns the discontinuous distribution of indi-vidual organisms or variables through space whereasa surface pattern process, which is spatially continu-ous, refers to the variability of organisms or variablesamong subregions over large or fine spatial scales . Twotypes of statistical approaches have been developedto characterize these patterns of spatial heterogeneity .Indices of spatial aggregation and the variance :meanratio were primarily developed to assess point pat-terns whereas spatial analysis methods were used fordescribing and interpreting surface patterns .

Many indices of spatial aggregation have beendeveloped to estimate marine and freshwater zooplank-ton heterogeneity based on point pattern distributions(Table 2) . All of these indices are related to the vari-ance (s2 ) and the mean (m) of population estimates, andare based on the assumptions of the Poisson randomdistribution model which corresponds to spatial homo-geneity and a variance :mean ratio equal to 1 . Hurlbert(1990) has pointed out, however, that many other pro-cesses than the Poisson distribution model can give riseto a variance:mean ratio equal to 1 . All these indicesshow systematic variation with m, either with a posi-tive (s 2/m, m*, m*/m, k) or a negative trend (CV, Id).Such indices of spatial aggregation are often used tomake comparisons of spatial distributions of popula-tions that occur at different densities, and in differentenvironments, but they lead to conficting interpreta-tions. Indeed, using k of the negative binomial distri-bution (small values implying high heterogeneity), theMorosita's Index Id, and the coefficient of variation(CV) would lead to the conclusion that sparser and lowdensity populations are the most aggregated, whereasthe other indices (s2/m, m*, m*/m) lead to the contraryconclusion (Downing, 1991) . Except for Morisita'sIndex which tends to be constant at around 2 when mand n number of samples) are high, and which has beenrecommended by Hurlbert (1990) as a reliable indexof spatial aggregation, all the other indices cannot beused for comparative purposes of zooplankton spatialheterogeneity . These limitations on the use of most ofthe s2-based indices, have led to a search for a betterindex of spatial variation .

The index b (corresponding to the slope of the s2 = aIn b power function), has been considered to be a truepopulation specific index of aggregation and was bet-ter accepted because it seemed more independent of mthan the other indices . Indeed, the range of the expo-nent b of the s2/m power function extends only from1 .24 to 1 .89 for marine and freshwater zooplanktonover large- and fine-scales (Pace et al., 1991 ; Down-ing, 1991 ; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . However, theuse of b as an index of spatial aggregation has beenquestioned since differences in levels of replicationand ranges of mean can lead to bias in b values (Down-ing, 1986, 1991) . Furthermore, the Taylor's power law(Taylor, 1961) is based on the premise that all the vari-able estimates are influenced by a single generativeprocess, which is not met by the environmental controlmodels based on multiple ecological forces . The sim-ple solution to this problem is to compare entire s2/mrelationships established for different populations ordifferent scales using standard methods for the com-parison of two or more bivariate relations (see Gujarati,1978) . Examples of this type of analysis have been pre-sented recently for within-lake spatial heterogeneityof freshwater zooplankton (Pinel-Alloul et al., 1988 ;Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . These studies have indi-cated that the degree of spatial heterogeneity for thezooplankton community in Lake Cromwell, a smallCanadian Shield lake, is consistent with that found inother freshwater and marine zooplankton communities(Fig. 1). However, comparisons of the s2/m relation-ships for macrozooplankton species in a single lakedemonstrated that the degree of spatial heterogeneityon the horizontal scales using integrated water samplescollected at fine-scale (8 m) or coarse-scale (40 m) wassimilar, whereas higher heterogeneity was observedon the vertical scale compared to the horizontal scalewhen using discrete-depth samples at fine-scales (5 m)(Fig . 4) .

Spatial analysis methods enable the description ofsurface patterns such as patches, and one or two-dimensional trends; they also allow to infer the processresponsible for the spatial structure . Various meth-ods such as mapping, correlograms and variograms,numerical methods of clustering with spatial conti-guity constraint, gradient analysis, spectral analysis,and canonical correspondence analysis have been putforward in recent years for detecting and measuringsurface patterns, and for including space in ecolog-ical modelling of zooplankton spatial heterogeneity(Mackas & Boyd, 1979 ; Mackas, 1984 ; Pinel-Alloul& Pont, 1991 ; Jouffre et al., 1991) . A theoretical dis-

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V) 3 -

0 2J













Discrete-Depth samples (0-5m)

0 .4


Integrated water column (0-8 m)



1 .6




1 2

Log (X)3

cussion of the relevance of these methods for assessingand interpreting spatial surface patterns is presented byLegendre (1987), Sokal & Thompson (1987), Legen-dre & Fortin (1989), Dutilleul & Legendre (1993), andLegendre (1993) .

Here, I discuss and illustrate (Fig . 5) the appli-cation of three different methods of spatial analy-sis (constrained spatial clustering, correlograms andvariograms) which give complementary informationfor assessing macrozooplankton heterogeneity over awhole-lake scale (Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . Con-strained spatial clustering (Fig . 5A) suggests that whilethere was no identifiable spatial distribution patternfor either Skistodiaptomus oregonensis and Daphniaspp. (only one group) over the whole-lake scale,






0 -




Discrete - Depth samples (0-8 m)



Integrated water column (0-40 m)






Log (X)

. Skistodioptomus oregonensis

. Diaphanosoma brochyurumn Mesocyclops edox

A Daphnio spp .

Fig. 4. Relationships log S 2 :log X for macrozooplankton species collected at different vertical and horizontal scales in Lake Cromwell . (FromPinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) .


Diaphanosoma brachyurum (2 groups) occurred atlower density in the west part of the transect andat higher density in the east part of the transect . Atleast, four main subgroups characterized the spatialdistribution of Mesocyclops edax which demonstrat-ed shore avoidance behavior and a bowl-like depres-sion in the central part of the transect . Correlograms(Fig. 513) agreed with the constrained clustering results .No significant autocorrelation was detected for S. ore-gonensis and Daphnia spp ., while spatial autocorre-lation occurred at lake-size scales for M. edax andD. brachyurum. The former showed a patchy spatialstructure with circular patches of 90-100 m diameterseparated from each other by a 100 m distance interval,while the latter depicted a monotonic decreasing abun-

Page 12: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community


A2000- Skistodiaptomus oregonensis






Mesocyclops edax

Diaphanosoma brachyurum

dance trend from west to east. Variograms (Fig . 5C)also supported these results . S. oregonensis and Daph-nia spp . exhibited horizontal variograms without spa-tial structure at lake-size scales, although irregulardiscontinuities (nugget effects) suggested micro-scalespatial variations occurring at spatial scales smallerthan the sampling interval . The linear model repre-senting a continuous regular gradient fitted well thevariogram of D. brachyurum . The `hole effect' modelrepresenting a fairly continuous distribution of succes-sive patches fitted the variogram of M. edax . Krig-ing and mapping techniques are additional powerfultools for identifying zooplankton patchiness scales andinterpreting the mechanisms controlling pattern forma-tion ; these techniques have been used to assess large-

Distance (m)

















Fig. 5. Spatial analysis methods applied to assess macrozooplankton heterogeneity over a whole-lake scale. A : Plots of four macrozooplanktonspecies abundances against distance with 10-m intervals; the horizontal lines indicate the subgroups of samples determined by constrainedspatial clustering, if any. B : Correlograms for four macrozooplankton species over 10-m interval distance classes . C : Variograms for fourmacrozooplankton species over l0-m interval distance classes . (From Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) .

scale patchiness of marine zooplankton (Simard et al.,1992) .

All the above statistical methods attempt to deter-mine the `measured heterogeneity' in spatial structur-ing of ecological entities . However, these tools havelimited value for the assessment of `functional hetero-geneity', although direct gradient analysis and canon-ical correspondence analysis can be used to determinerelationships between community spatial structuringand environmental processes (ter Braak, 1987) . As thespatial structure of natural communities results fromboth the spatial distribution of the organisms, indepen-dently of ecological forces, and the effects of genera-tive processes at the same scale, the estimation of thetrue `functional heterogeneity' is a difficult task . In

Page 13: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community



B$Jcistodiaptomus oregonensis

_50- 100c V. 'W-V

IrDiaphanosoma brochyurum


Fig. 5 B.

order to have an accurate evaluation of the `functionalheterogeneity' arising from the interactions betweenthe ecological entities and their environment at anyscale of ecological interest, the intrinsic spatial compo-nent of heterogeneity (spatial autocorrelation) must bepartialled out of the species-environment relationships .Borcard et al. (1992) and Borcard & Legendre (1993)have developed a new method for this purpose, usingpartial canonical correspondence analysis; it allowspartitioning of the respective effects of environmentalfactors and spatial structure of the samples . The spatialvariation in ecological entities is partitioned into fourindependent fractions : (a) a fraction that is attribut-ed to the non-spatially-structured part of the environ-mental processes (local environmental effects) ; (b) asecond fraction explained by the spatially-structuredpart of these environmental processes (environmentalgradients); (c) a pure spatial component (space struc-ture), unexplained by any of the environmental vari-ables included in the analysis, which may result fromspatial structuring within the community due to behav-ioral factors, or else other spatially-structured physicalor biological processes not included in the analysis ;




-1 .5

-2 .0




-1 .0

Mesocyclops edox



and (d) a fraction of the spatial variation that remainsunexplained (undetermined) (Fig . 6) . This method alsoenables the user to partition the effects of different gen-erative processes of spatial heterogeneity (for example,abiotic vs biotic processes) . This statistical tool lookspromising for assessing `functional heterogeneity', andrecently it has been successfully applied to test therelative importance of abiotic and biotic forces driv-ing the spatial heterogeneity of lacustrine zooplanktonover both small regional and large geographic scalesin Quebec (Rodriguez et al ., 1993; Pinel-Alloul et al.,unpublished data) .

Hierarchy of zooplankton patchiness across scales

Nested patchiness is a common feature of natural habi-tats (Kolasa & Rollo, 1991), and zooplankton spa-tial heterogeneity occurs at hierarchical spatial scalesin both marine and freshwater environments (Hauryet al., 1978; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . The rangeof aggregated patterns may be considered as a contin-uum since driving forces originating from the variousphysical, chemical and biological factors of the envi-

Page 14: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community





AV -A 140 A105




Distance (m)

Partial C C A



(C) (d)

Environment IUndetermined











IFig. 6. Spatial variance partitioning of species-community datatable following the method of Borcard et al. (1992) .

ronment cascade from larger to smaller scales (Horne

Fig. 5 C.

170160150140130120-1101 90-80-70-6050-40-30-20-10-

Distance (m)

& Platt, 1984; Mackas et al., 1985; Barry & Dayton,1991) .

In marine ecosystems, Haury et al. (1978) suggest-ed that zooplankton patchiness exists in six differentspatial scales from mega- to micro-scales (Table 3) andillustrated their scale-continuum concept over spatialand temporal axes with the Stommel diagram (Fig . 7) .This diagram clearly shows that marine zooplank-ton patchiness occurs simultaneously at interdependenttemporal and spatial scales. Heterogeneity on spatialmicro-scales remains unchanged over very short-timescales, from minutes to hours, whereas heterogeneityover large spatial scales have higher temporal stabil-ity, from months and even centuries in the case ofbiogeographic patterns such as the zooplankton faunalprovinces in the Pacific Ocean (Fig . 8). One excep-tion to the temporal and spatial coupling, is the patternof diel vertical migration which ranges over a widevariety of spatial scales .

In freshwater ecosystems, Malone & McQueen(1983) and Pinel-Alloul & Pont (1991) have reviewed

Page 15: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community










Fig. 7. Stommel diagram of space and time scales of marine zooplankton patchiness . (From Haury et al., 1978) .

the literature on zooplankton patchiness scales . Fourtypes of patch scales have been identified ranging fromlarge-scale patches Type I : > 1 km) to micro-scalepatches (Type IV: < 1 m), with coarse- (Type II : 10 m-1 km) and fine- (Type III : 1-10 m) scales as interme-diate patch sizes (Table 4) . None of these four spatialscales is necessarily associated with a given species-group, since the same taxonomic entity may exhibitdifferent spatial scales in different water bodies andeven within the same lake under different trophic con-ditions. However, large-scale patterns have all beenidentified on the horizontal axis of large lakes whereascoarse- to micro-scales patterns have been observedin smaller lakes either on their horizontal or verti-cal dimensions . The type IV pattern involves mostlyswarms which are stable only in non-turbulent envi-ronments, and for littoral cladocerans as Polyphemuspediculus and Scapholeberis .

Abiotic processes leading to zooplanktonheterogeneity

Environmental processes reported in literature to drivezooplankton patchiness in both marine and freshwater

3 1

ecosystems are presented in Tables 3 and 4, respective-ly .

In marine systems, patterns of zooplankton patch-iness at mega- to macro-scales are mostly linkedto physical processes: climatic and hydrodynamicregimes, tidal and regional wind forces, and bottomand continent topography can generate oceanic gyres,coastal and upwelling eddies, surface circulation cur-rents, and inflows or outflows which affect the distribu-tion of pelagic and coastal zooplankton . At the largestscale, zooplankton oceanic faunal provinces are verystable and overlap directly the distribution patterns ofprimary production and the climatic regions defined byoceanic gyres (Fig . 8). Cascading across scales, fromthe largest to the smallest, leads to an increasing impor-tance of coastal eddies, rings, upwelling, fronts, inter-nal waves, and Langmuir circulation cells which havea more complex hydrodynamic structure and less tem-poral stability than the oceanic gyres . Barry & Dayton(1991) presented a detailed description of these hydro-dynamic features relevant to marine plankton patchi-ness .

Several studies demonstrated a close relationbetween zooplankton spatial distribution and physicalfeatures of advective processes over meso-, macro-

Page 16: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community


100%roo %30 %









Fig. 8. Faunal provinces in the Pacific Ocean, defined from the distributions of 175 species of zooplankton . Darker shading indicates that ahigher percentage of species characteristic of that province are present in samples . These provinces correspond directly to the major pattern ofsurface circulation in the Pacific . (From McGowan, 1971)

Page 17: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

and coarse-scales . In the Atlantic Ocean, mesoscaleeddies are formed by diversions of the Gulf Streamcurrent. The cold-core rings in the North, and thewarm-core rings in the South, constitute biological-ly isolated systems. Coastal eddies, as the Califor-nia Current, affect the productivity and distributionof planktonic organisms by inducing vertical advec-tive currents which increase the input of nutrients tothe euphotic zone . Coastal upwelling often producesextreme patchiness of phytoplankton leading to highzooplankton grazing rates and productivity . An eventighter coupling was observed for the euphausiids inthe continental shelf of Vancouver Island where theirhorizontal distribution and daytime depth of greateroccurrence correspond to the California Current under-waters of 6-7 ° C temperature and 33 .75-34 % c salinity(Simard & Mackas, 1989) . At coarse-scales, gelatinouszooplankton (ctenophores and medusae) concentratein parallel lines along the convergent zones of Lang-muir cells in Bonavista Bay, Nova Scotia (Hammer& Schneider, 1986 ; Schneider & Bajdik, 1992) . Incoastal lagoon environments, inversion of water flowsbetween the laggon and the sea plays a major role instructuring zooplankton communities (Jouffre et al.,1991). Finally, in estuaries and embayments, intrusionor outflow of saline or rich-nutrient waters, by increas-ing phytoplankton growth, result in higher zooplanktonstanding stocks (Paffenhofer, 1980 ; Sameoto & Her-man, 1992) . At fine- and micro-scales (Table 3), short-term physical turbulence can also cause zooplanktonpatch formation which may have important biologi-cal consequences for the feeding of pelagic fish larvae(Noda et al., 1992) and the nutrient regeneration forphytoplankton in oligotrophic environments (Paffen-hofer & Knowles, 1979) .

In freshwater environments, large-scale patterns(Type I) as observed in very large lakes are relatedto structural and advective physical forces such as themorphometry of the lake basin, the river inflows, andthe upwellings or inshore-offshore gradients (Table 4) .For instance, the very diverse patterns of zooplank-ton horizontal distribution in Lake Winnipeg reflectthe complexity of the water masses structured by lakemorphology and configuration of river inflows (Pata-las & Salki, 1992). The zooplankton structure in LakeWinnipeg comprises a core-community of 12 speciesdistributed throughout the whole-lake scale and sev-eral marginals sub-groups characteristic of the riverinflow inputs (Fig. 9). There was a higher similari-ty within the same basin than between the North andSouth basins, and climatic regimes and lake morphom-


etry were the major factors explaining zooplanktonstructuring . In Lake Geneva, we examined horizontalstructures both within the crustacean community andthe abiotic factors related to water temperature, sta-bility and nutrients. We found that temperature direct-ly influences zooplankton distribution (path analysis :r=0.43, P=0.0001) which, in turn, affects ammoni-um concentration (path analysis : r =0.53, P = 0.00001)as one of the excretion products (Guay, Pinel-Alloul,Angeli, Balvay & Legendre, unpublished data) . InLake Ontario, nearshore-offshore gradients in zoo-plankton abundance have been partly attributed to ear-lier warming in the nearshore water column (Johanns-son et al., 1991). Furthermore, the dynamics of riverzooplankton is considered to be controlled by advec-tive transport and tidal currents (Pace et al., 1992),and in reservoirs, Hart (1990) showed that horizontaldistribution of zooplankton reflected the turbidity gra-dient and associated changes in limnological abioticattributes from the head-waters to the dam .

In smaller lakes, physical causal forces inducingcoarse-scale patterns (Type II), are more variable andinvolve wind drift currents causing down-wind accu-mulation, internal seiches, and spiral Eckman currents,as well as the physical and chemical vertical stratifi-cation of lakes (Table 4) . Our studies of zooplanktonpatchiness in a small Canadian lake (Pinel-Alloul et al.,1988; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) showed that surfaceturbulence and advective processes in epilimnetic lay-ers had a randomizing effect, whereas thermal strati-fication induced the highest degree of spatial hetero-geneity. A number of processes have been suggested asthe sources of variation in lake zooplankton spatial het-erogeneity between the horizontal and vertical scales .Zooplankton have little directed movement on the hor-izontal scale beyong a few meters but can move morethan 10 m vertically in response to diel changes in lightlevel, predation and food resources (Bollens & Frost,1989 ; Leibold, 1990 ; Ringelberg, 1991 ; Neill, 1992) .Interaction between vertical shear or random turbu-lence and vertical migration allows zooplankton organ-isms to forage widely separated areas at little ener-gy cost, but produces horizontal spreading of patches(Evans, 1978). Furthermore, physical and chemicalgradients directly influence zooplankton vertical dis-tributions . Recently, Hanazato (1992) demonstratedthat a vertical physical gradient associated with low-oxygen hypolimnetic layers, limited the distribution ofzooplankton over fine- and coarse-scales, in eutrophiclakes (Fig. 10) . Finally, Langmuir circulation patternsand short-term convection currents in lakes are large-

Page 18: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community


Oiaptomus minutesDiaptomus siciloidesMesocyclops edoxSimocepholus vetulusEurycercus lamellatus

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of the crustacean community structure in Lake Winnipeg . Core species (double frame) are established all over thetake whereas marginal unsuccessfull invaders (single frame) are brought in by river inflows . (From Patalas & Salki, 1992) .

ly responsible for fine- and micro-scales zooplanktonpatchiness (Table 4) .

Biotic processes leading to zooplanktonheterogeneity

In addition to physical forces, biogenic environmentalfactors and biotic interactions may be partly respon-sible for marine and freshwater zooplankton patch-iness, especially at smaller scales . In general, the

Dlacyclops bicuspldatus th.Acanthocyclops vernolisDlaptomus oregonensisEpischura nevodensisEplschura locustrlsUmnocalonus macrurusDophnla retrocurvaDophnla galeata mendotaeSosmlna IonglrostrisDlaphanosoma leuchtenberg .Leptodora kindtil

Dlaptomus siciloidesDlaptomus leptopusEucyclops agilisMesocyclops edaxDaphnia schoedleriDaphnia pulexDaphnia ombiguaDaphnia porvulaCeriodaphnia quadrongulaAlona guttataLeydigia quodrangularis

Holopedium gibberumSido crystalilnaLatona setiferaEucyclops agilisMesocyclops edax

relative importance of the biotic processes increasesinversely with scale . However, even though the megas-cale oceanic faunal provinces are stable and boundedby hydrodynamic features, the processes that controlthe structure of marine zooplankton community with-in each province are, by lack of contrary evidence,thought to be biological (Barry & Dayton, 1991) .

In macro- and coarse-patterns, zooplankton ver-tical and reproductive migratory behavior as well asphytoplankton intrusion and concentration produced

Page 19: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community



a 10


Bosmina spp.0






D. galeata

D. ambigua

4o 20

as atoo







Fig. 10. Depth-time distribution of isopleths of number of thedominant Cladocera in Lake Nakanuma Japan) . Shaded area showsthe low oxygen layer (<3 mg . 02 L -1 ) . (From Hanazato, 1992) .


by coastal upwellings and eddies, outflows and Lang-muir circulation cells are the main biotic processesenhancing zooplankton patchiness (Table 3). In marineecosystems, euphausiid distribution patterns in thecontinental shelf of Vancouver Island are coincidentwith those of upwelled regions characterized by highphytoplankton biomass (Simard & Mackas, 1989) . Infreshwater ecosystems, the inshore-offshore decreas-ing gradient in zooplankton abundance in Lake Ontariocould result either from increased vertebrate plank-tivory or from reduced food resources in the pelagiczone (Johannsson et al., 1991). As a corollary, whole-lake patterns and shore avoidance behavior of macro-zooplankton in small lakes could be related to inverte-brate (Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) or vertebrate (Gli-wicz & Rykowska, 1992) predation, respectively . Bothpredation and exploitative competition explain the hor-izontal variation in the zooplankton community of theOgochi Reservoir in Japan (Urabe, 1990) . The hor-izontal and vertical scales of zooplankton patchinessare also interdependent. For example, in the core ofthe Gulf Stream ring 82-H, a region of low physicalvariability, a sharp transition occurred after sunset inthe horizontal spatial heterogeneity of euphausiids andcopepods as dielly migrating organisms moved intosurface waters (Wiebe et al ., 1992) .

At finer scales, predator-prey interactions medi-ated by swimming, and migratory or reproductivebehavior, are the most important biotic forces driv-ing zooplankton patchiness . The ability of the krillThysanoessa raschii to detect algal patches and tochange their swimming behavior in the presence ofalgal patchiness has been video-taped in mesocosms(Price, 1989) . After the introduction of an algal patch,swimming speed of the krill doubled for individualswithin the patch and the krill remaining in the algalpatch over the 24-h experimental period turned backas they encountered the edge of the patch . A similarbehavior has also been observed in marine and fresh-water copepods (Pseudocalanus minutus, Acartia ton-sa, Mesocyclops edax) which exhibit an increase inturning and looping in the presence of high food con-centrations (Buskey, 1984 ; Wiliamson, 1981 ; Tiselius,1992). Both mechanosensory and chemosensory cuescontribute to the recognition of food and patch forma-tion on high food conditions . Tessier (1983) observedan extreme zooplankton patchiness in a population ofHolopedium gibberum which formed a single mobilepatch on a scale of tens of meters ; this type of cohesivepatch moving over the lake could induce alternatingperiods of grazing and nutrient regeneration which

Page 20: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community


have important effects on phytoplankton dynamics .Finally, micro-aggregations at scales from centime-ters to a few meters in pelagic and littoral cladoceranshave been usually associated with sexual reproduction,phototaxis and swarming behavior (Table 4).

Coupling of abiotic and biotic processes: the multipledriving forces hypothesis

Neither physical advective forces nor biological forcesalone, can explain the complexity of zooplankton spa-tial heterogeneity observed in marine and freshwaterecosystems . Zooplankton patchiness over large andfine scales is the product of many physical processesinteracting with many biological processes (Richer-son et al., 1978 ; Malone & McQueen, 1983 ; Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) . Legendre & Demers (1984)pointed out this physical-biological coupling in marinesystems, which they termed hydrodynamic biologicaloceanography . They emphasized that the various phys-ical, chemical, and biological factors of the environ-ment are considered as the proximal agents throughwhich hydrodynamic variability is transmitted to liv-ing organisms. A similar argument founded on hier-archy theory was presented by Allen & Star (1982)and Amanieu et al. (1989). They stated that phys-ical processes sensu lato constitute the first step ofthe hierarchy of processes controlling ecosystems andinfluencing biological sub-systems while conversely,physical processes are less influenced by biologicalsystems .

In this context, we recently introduced the 'multi-ple driving forces hypothesis' to explain spatial hetero-geneity of lake zooplankton in Quebec, and tested theprimacy of abiotic factors in the model . The methodof Borcard et al. (1992) was applied to partition thezooplankton variance into four fractions : a) local envi-ronmental effects, b) environmental gradient effects,c) pure spatial structure effects and d) undeterminedvariance . The results of this study indicate that boththe abiotic factors related to water-chemistry gradi-ents and the biotic bottom-up (phytoplankton structure)and top-down (fish community) factors significantlycontribute to the observed zooplankton heterogeneity(Table 5). The effects of these environmental factorsoperating at local scale (fraction a) or over geographicgradients (fraction b) explain 48 .2% of the zooplank-ton variance (Fig . 11). When considering only one ofthe environmental factors sets (physical and chemi-cal characteristics, phytoplankton or fish communitystructure) in the model, abiotic physical and chemical


Fig . 11 . Percentages of zooplankton spatial variance explained bylocal effects of environmental factors (a), environmental gradients(b), spatial structure (c) and undertermined variance (d) for Quebeclakes . (From Pinel-Alloul et al., unpublished data) .

factors, taken alone, explain 30 .7% of the large-scalezooplankton variability, and have primacy over bioticfactors which can only explain from 11 .2 (phytoplank-ton) to 15 .6% (fish) of zooplankton variance . The non-significance of the pure spatial effects indicates thatmost of the among-lake spatial zooplankton variationhave been explained by the environmental gradientsof water chemistry and lake morphology included inthe study. However, the large amount of unexplainedvariance (d : 44%) suggested that other factors oper-ating at the within-lake sampling scale, and not takenin account in the study, could exert influence on lakezooplankton variability as observed in another stud-ies conducted at coarse- and fine-scales (Pinel-Alloulet al ., 1988: Pinel-Alloul & Pont, 1991) .

Comparisons of results of our study and that ofRodriguez et al. (1993) conducted at a smaller spatialscale suggest a scaling effect on the relative importanceof abiotic and biotic factors in the environmental con-trol of zooplankton community . Over large geographicscale, abiotic forces should be predominant and, incontrast, the biotic forces should have the primacy atsmall spatial scales (Fig . 12). In marine ecosystems,primacy of physical advective processes over biolog-ical ones has been well supported by several studies .

Canonical Model

Undetermined 43 .7Space Structure 8.1

NSEnvironmental Gradient 14.7Local Environment 33.5


®Undetermined 75%0Space structure

Eli Environmental GradientRLocal Environment 50%



Page 21: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

Haury et al. (1978) suggested a shift from physicalto biological forces from large to small spatial scales .They stated that climatic, advective and vectorial pro-cesses occur at the largest scales (mega-, meso- andmacro-) while reproductive, behavioral and co-activepatterns occur only at the smallest scales (coarse-, fine-and micro-) . On large-scale features such as ocean-ic gyres and meso-scale eddies, physical advectivefactors exert a strong control over biological patterns(Barry & Dayton, 1991) . Simard & Mackas (1989)also explain euphausiid distribution patterns first by thedirect effects of the advective forces, and secondarilyby their interaction with patterns of vertical migration .In freshwater environments, although the role and pri-macy of physical and chemical forces have been greatlydemonstrated in eutrophication and acidification stud-ies, we do not deny or diminish the importance of themany biotic forces known to structure communities . Ina conceptual framework of the effect of scaling on pro-cesses structuring community composition, one shouldview the structuring factors (abiotic and biotic), eventsand processes as a series of mutual filters acting on thecommunities at continental, regional, lake-type, andlocal scales to produce different patterns of commu-nity composition or species distribution (Tonn et al.,1990) .

Henceforth, the zooplankton community should beperceived as a spatially well-structured and dynamicsystem that requires a combination of both abiotic andbiotic explanatory factors for a better understandingand more realistic and reliable predictions of its ecolo-gy (Carpenter, 1988) . It is very important for ecologiststo consider physical as well as biological processes intheir sampling design because they constitute the fun-damental constraints to which individuals, populationsand communities respond . As most biotic and abiot-ic processes are scale-dependent, this concept impliesthe necessity for comprehensive sampling programsthat take into consideration the pertinent spatial scalesof physical and biological heterogeneities .


1 Nested patchiness is a common feature of zoo-plankton community and spatial heterogeneityoccurs in hierarchical clusters of spatial scalesin both marine and freshwater environments . Inmarine ecosystems, zooplankton patchiness existsat six different spatial scales (mega- : 103-104 km;meso- : 102_ 103 km; macro- : 10_102 km; coarse-


102_104 m ; fine-: 1-102 m; micro-: 10-2-1 m)which interact with temporal scales of heterogene-ity. In freshwater ecosystems, four types of patchscales have been identified, ranging from large-scale patches (Type I : > 1 km) to micro-scale patch-es (Type IV: < 1 m), with coarse- (Type II : 10 m-1 m) and fine- (Type III : 1-10 m) scales as inter-mediate patch sizes .

2 . Since the last two decades, new sampling methodsbased on advanced technologies (acoustic devices,the Optical Plankton Counter (OPC), and video sys-tems) have been developed to assess zooplanktonpatchiness in both marine and freshwater ecosys-tems. On the one hand, acoustic devices and opti-cal particle counter are more suitable for large-scale survey but do not provide taxonomic infor-mation. On the other hand, video systems areintended for studying both large and small scalesand they have the unique advantage of providingtaxonomic and individual behavior information .In many instances, data requirements of studiesof zooplankton spatial heterogeneity on differentscales should be satisfied by taking advantage ofthe complementary characteristics of a combina-tion of devices .

3. Studies on zooplankton spatial heterogeneity referboth to the quantification of the degree of het-erogeneity ('measured heterogeneity') and to theestimation of the heterogeneity resulting from theinteractions between the organisms and their envi-ronment ('functional heterogeneity') . Most earlierworks have dealt with the estimation of the 'mea-sured heterogeneity' and led to the developmentof statistical tools as indices of spatial aggrega-tion, variance : mean relationships and spatial analy-sis methods . More recent studies have investigatedthe `functional heterogeneity', using a method ofvariance partioning which allows to single out therespective effects of different driving processes .

4. Neither physical advective forces nor biologicalforces alone, can explain the complexity of zoo-plankton spatial heterogeneity observed in bothmarine and freshwater ecosystems . Zooplanktonpatchiness over large- and fine-scales is the prod-uct of many physical processes interacting withmany biological processes . My review clearly sup-ports the `multiple driving force hypothesis', andconfirms the primacy of abiotic factors in the mod-els of environmental control of zooplankton spatialheterogeneity at large spatial scales, and suggests a

Page 22: Spatial heterogeneity as a multiscale characteristic of zooplankton community

3 8

Fig. 12. Hypothetical model of relations between sampling spatial scale and the relative importance of abiotic and biotic processes controllingzooplankton spatial heterogeneity in marine and freshwater ecosystems .

greater importance of biological processes at small-er scales .

5. The zooplankton community must be perceivedas a spatially well-structured and dynamic systemthat requires a combination of abiotic and biot-ic explanatory factors for a better understandingand more realistic and reliable predictions of itsecology . In ecological study of zooplankton spatialheterogeneity, sampling design must take into con-sideration the pertinent spatial scales of physicaland biological variability because they constitutethe fundamental constraints to which individuals,populations and communities respond .


This review paper has been sollicited by Dr G . Bal-vay from the 'Institut de Limnologie', INRA, Thonon-les-Bains (France). It has been presented at the 2dinternational congress of Limnology and Oceanogra-phy held by the `Association Frangaise de Limnologie',the `Societe Francaise d'Ichtyologie' and the `Uniondes Oceanographes de France' in Evian (France) on the25-28 May, 1993 . The study was funded by a NSERCoperating grant to B.P.A., and a team grant from theQuebec government (FCAR program) to the 'Groupede recherches en ecologie des eaux douces' . Fundingwas also provided by the 'Groupe de Recherche en


a0oZM4 >





Limnologie et en Environnement Aquatique' (GRIL)through the FCAR-Center program . The author thanksP. Legendre, M . Bellehumeur, V Smith, A . Mazumder,G. Balvay and N . Angeli for reviewing the manuscriptand helpful discussions . This paper is a contributionto the research program of the GRIL, Departement desciences biologiques, Universite de Montreal, Quebec,Canada.


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